Nintendo Switch: Golden Sun, Pokémon… the Game Boy and the Game Boy Advance soon in the online subscription? –

Nintendo Switch game news: Golden Sun, Pokémon… the Game Boy and the Game Boy Advance soon in the online subscription? Published on 04/19/2022 at 08:28 Expected more or less since the officialization of the NES and Super NES catalog, Game Boy and Game Boy Advance games could arrive in the Nintendo Switch Online subscription. This is in any case what we can hope with the latest rumors concerning the sharing of emulators potentially developed by Nintendo for these portable consoles. SummaryA Game Boy Advance emulator and a leaked Game Boy emulator?Fire Emblem, Mario and Luigi… Many games testedA Game Boy Advance emulator and a leaked Game Boy emulator?Nintendo Switch Online is the main subscription service of the Nintendo Switch. Like its direct competitors like PS+ or Xbox Game Pass, it provides a number of services in exchange for a monthly or annual subscription. One of these services is the catalog, available at no extra cost, of retro games: NES and Super NES on the program, but also those of the Nintendo 64 and the Megadrive since October (access to which, however, generates a higher subscription) . But it could be that two other consoles join the service. At least that’s what the o can believe following the posts of Twitter user @Trashbandatcoot. It seems that yesterday, emulators for Game Boy and Game Boy Advance were shared on the Internet. With them, a long list of games tested on them with console references such as Mario Kart: Super Circuit, Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age or Pokémon Pinball: Ruby and Sapphire. Mario Kart Super Circuit , Golden Sun and Pokémon Pinball.So Nintendo’s official Game Boy Advance emulator for the Nintendo Switch just leaked. Now it’s just a matter of waiting for NSO to add GBA.— Trash_Bandatcoot (@trashbandatcoot) April 18, 2022 Fire Emblem, Mario and Luigi… Many games testedIn fact, Trashbandatcoot explains that four files were shared on 4chan. Two of them are NSPs, or Nintendo Switch Programs: the first is called Sloop, which contains a Game Boy Advance emulator, while the second is called Hiyoko (whose name was already known in 2019) and which constitutes the Game Boy emulator. It would seem that these two programs were developed by NERD (Nintendo Europe Research Program) and that they are both functional although including some bugs. On this subject, it is the user RatgorlHunter who shares videos taken with these programs… But whose Twitter page has been deleted. Still on the same subject, there are many GBA games that have been tested by Nintendo. It is the user MondoMega who shares a long list of titles, and who insists on one point: if this leak of emulators becomes something official by Nintendo, it does not mean that all the titles shared in this list would be available one day. Among them, we find Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, Metroid Fusion or even Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. Of course, such a leak should be taken with a grain of salt. On this subject, it is the Youtuber ModernVintageGamer who has reservations about its veracity and in particular on one point: one of the shared screenshots highlights an EZFlash cartridge, a way for pirates to bypass Nintendo’s systems : Nintendo using EZFlash cartridges internally seems odd to me. I don’t think Nintendo developed it if this leak came to fruition. An argument that seems countered by another dataminer: OatMealDome. If NERD would be behind the development of these two emulators, and to whom we owe the NSO or Super Mario 3D All-Stars, the European subsidiary would be helped by Panasonic Vietnam for the development. In any case, it is too difficult today to guarantee the imminent arrival of Game Boy and Game Boy Advance games on the Nintendo Switch Online catalog. In question, the state of early development of the emulators (which may have since been abandoned) as well as the veracity of the files shared on 4chan. So wait and see. Subscribe to Nintendo Switch Online on Amazon This page contains affiliate links to some products that JV has selected for you. Each purchase you make by clicking on one of these links will not cost you more, but the e-merchant will pay us a commission. Learn more. By CharlanMhg, Writing MPTwitter