LIVE – Presidential: Macron and Le Pen are preparing on the eve of a debate that promises to be decisive – BFMTV

8:58 Ban on wearing the veil: “There will be no age distinction”, defends Jordan Bardella While considering that “the pressure of fundamentalists is strong today on young women”, Jordan Bardella confirmed this Tuesday on franceinfo Marine Le Pen’s proposal to ban the wearing of the veil in public space. “I can confirm that this is an objective,” said the interim president of the National Rally. “There will be no age distinction, what we are saying today is extremely simple”, continued the MEP, who judges that “the veil no longer has the same meaning today as it had a few years ago”. “The yarmulke will not be banned. Our ambition is to fight Islamic fundamentalism”, continued the far-right elected official. 8:55 “Voting is useless”: Onfray calls for “returning to the Fifth Republic” Michel Onfray makes no secret of his abstentionism. He confirmed that he did not vote in the first round of this presidential election. “But it’s useless!” he justified. “Emmanuel Macron lost all the elections for five years. To the Europeans, he said ‘to lose so little is to win'”, he mocked. To remobilize political participation , and consider himself returning to the polls, the intellectual invited to “return to the Fifth Republic”, which he considered to be dead. “The game of balances of the Fifth Republic left its place to the people”, he developed, assuring that the people had also “understood that we were making fun of them”.8:52Gabriel Attal: “The Rassemblement National cries foul when reminded of its history”Gabriel Attal, ruled on Monday that the “atrocities” committed in Ukraine by the Russian army in Ukraine were “a point of detail” for Marine Le Pen, an allusion to statements provocateurs of his father on the Second World War. Asked about his remarks on Cnews this Tuesday morning, the government spokesperson persists: “The National Rally (RN) cries foul when it is reminded of its history. I do not demonize, I note that Marine Le Pen de facto supports Russia”, referring in particular to the absence of RN MEPs during the vote on Russian sanctions, and to the program of the candidate who proposes a military alliance with Russia. 8:51 Bardella confirms the ban on ritual slaughter in France if Le Pen is elected, in the name of “animal welfare”If Marine Le Pen is elected at the Élysée, ritual slaughter for halal and kosher meat will be prohibited.”There will be no slaughter of meat on French territory where the animal is not subject to prior stunning”, confirmed this Tuesday on franceinfo Jordan Bardella. A ban “in the name of animal dignity and in the name of animal suffering”, he added. The import of halal or kosher meat would however be authorized. “It’s not hypocritical, animal welfare is a concern,” opposed the acting president of the National Rally. Asked about the ban on bullfighting under this same principle of animal welfare, Jordan Bardella kicked into touch, believing that “it’s not the same thing”. He confirmed that these practices would not be prohibited, but that minors could not attend. changed” Believing that Marine Le Pen and the National Rally had “of course changed”. He denounced the demonization around the candidate: “You are not guilty of your own stupidities, you are guilty of your father.”8: 45Onfray denounces a “single party” in FranceFor the essayist, France is governed by a “single party”, united in a common obedience to the European institutions. second round as a “duel between Maastrichtians” On our set, Michel Onfray described the second round of the presidential election as a duel between “Maastrichtians”, that is to say supporters of the European Union. He notably mocked Marine Le Pen: “Obviously Marine Le Pen is a Maastrichtian. She renounces leaving the euro, Europe. he continued with reference to the former Greek Prime Minister. 8:33 Gabriel Attal: “I make a difference between specifying the reforms that are proposed and explaining the timetable” Emmanuel Macron said he was ready to “move” on the pension reform and “opening the door” to a postponement of the retirement age to 64 years. Reversal of the President of the Republic? No, according to government spokesman Gabriel Attal, who confirms this morning on Cnews that the President of the Republic has not varied in his proposals. “I make a difference between specifying the reforms that are proposed and explaining the timetable”.8 :31″Marine Le Pen remains a Le Pen”: Jean Castex sends the candidate back to her family historyJean Castex tries to send Marine Le Pen back to her family history and that of her party founded in 1972 and renamed the National Rally in 2018.” The worst is always possible and Madame Le Pen who presents herself in the guise of a good mother remains a Le Pen”, assured the Prime Minister on France inter. 8:26 “Nothing is ever bent”: Jean Castex calls on voters to mobilize Jean Castex returned to the context of the inter-round period as the polls place Emmanuel Macron victorious. that nothing is decided and it should above all not to say that the match is folded, it is not, it never is”, assures the Prime Minister this morning on France inter. 8:16 “Marine Le Pen unmasks”: Eric Dupond-Moretti judges the candidate “worrying” Eric Dupont-Moretti passed a severe judgment on the campaign between the two rounds of Marine Le Pen. “Since the first round, she has unmasked. Purchasing power was the tree that hid the dark forest. The dark forest is the veil. We can no longer dress as we want (…). All of this is extremely worrying”, judged the Keeper of the Seals this morning on RTL. “If Marine Le Pen is elected on Sunday, Monday will not be a singing tomorrow”, further estimated the Minister of Justice. Pen alone in the event of victory? “Nobody knew Castaner before he was a minister”, assures AliotWhile Marine Le Pen refuses to put forward the names of possible ministers or of his Prime Minister in the event of victory, Louis Aliot refuses to see there the trace of a possible isolation on the political scene. “Listen, nobody knew Christopher Castaner before he was a minister, obviously not. We will have serious people around us”, assured the mayor of Perpignan this morning on France 2.7:48 “Lightness, outrageousness, mockery”: Louis Aliot curbs Emmanuel MacronOn the eve of the debate between the two rounds, Louis Aliot, the RN mayor of Perpignan judges the outgoing president severely. “We cannot say that Macron resembles de Gaulle or even Pompidou, we must regain solemnity. He has a kind of lightness, excessive communication, little phrases, arrogance, mockery. To say ‘you just have to work the street to find work’… It’s not at the level”, judges the lieutenant of Marine Le Pen this morning on France 2.7:32 “Not a voice must be missing from Macron”: the Chirac family calls to vote for the presidentClaude Chirac, daughter of former President Jacques Chirac, and her husband Frédéric Salat-Baroux, former secretary general of the Elysée, called on Tuesday for “not a voice to be missing Emmanuel Macron” facing Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election. “As Jacques Chirac has said throughout his life, the time has come to fight against extremism”, they underline in a statement to AFP , and, “behind a seemingly trivialized between-two rounds, the situation is infinitely more serious than in 2017 and 2002”, when the National Front (now National Rally) had already climbed to the second round. “Behind the role play of confrontation, Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour go together”, they warn, and “the far right does not have two faces my is deux faces”.6:27 Jean-Luc Mélenchon guest on BFMTV from 6:50 p.m. In this decisive period between the two rounds, BFMTV offers you this Tuesday an exceptional interview with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, conducted live from 6:50 p.m by Bruce Toussaint. The third man in the presidential election who narrowly failed to qualify, will come back to the lessons he learned from the first round of the ballot.>> See you live on BFMTV and from 6:50 p.m.Jean -Luc Mélenchon will be the guest of Bruce Toussaint on BFMTV Tuesday April 19, 2022 at 6:50 p.m. © BFMTV6:24For Macron, “no country has done so much for its students during the Covid”Emmanuel Macron replied to a student who told him railed against the lines of students for food aid during the health crisis. “In France, we have never seen so many young people queuing for a triangle sandwich, we have never seen that … It is absurd to see that in France”, protested the young man. country has not done so much for its students during the Covid”, retorted the president-candidate, listing the number of scholarship students (a third according to him) and the establishment of meals at 1 €, even for non -boursiers.6:17Marine Le Pen is preparing for Wednesday’s debate No event is on the agenda of far-right candidate Marine Le Pen on Tuesday. While those around her had indicated that she was going to retire to the West, the National Rally candidate finally said that she was going to prepare at home, in her office, the debate between the two rounds. At five days of the second round, the RN candidate, who has focused her campaign on the issue of purchasing power, says she is “extremely serene”. 6:14 If he is not re-elected, Macron has “no plan B” because “it’s impossible to have one” Asked in C to you about his future in the event of defeat in the second round of the presidential election this Sunday, Emmanuel Macron defended himself from any “plan B”. “C It’s impossible to do so,” said the head of state. “I’ll take care of mine first and I’ll think about what’s next,” he tries to answer, “it’s impossible to think now about what’s next. We can’t. It’s impossible.” And the outgoing president continued by citing the example of the German chancellor. “Knowing already is impossible. Look at Mrs. Merkel, she took four months to think. the mind is not free when you have the load. You must first re-learn to do nothing, to read and then to project yourself”, he developed.>> Our full article6:14The PS will take stock of the presidential The Socialist Party will meet its national council this Tuesday from 7 p.m. to take stock of the presidential election. Its candidate, the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo, had won less than 2% of the vote, and the PS could now be in difficulty for the legislative elections in June. 6:04 Michel Onfray guest of Apolline de Malherbe at 8:35 am on BFMTV-RMCCe Tuesday, the philosopher Michel Onfray will be the guest of Apolline de Malherbe at 8:35 a.m. on BFMTV-RMC. Marine Le Pen07:40 a.m. RTL: Éric Dupond-Moretti, Keeper of the Seals and support for Emmanuel Macron08:00 a.m. Public Senate: Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for Marine Le Pen and the National Rally08:13 a.m. Europe 1: Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, Finance and Recovery08:15 a.m. Sud Radio: Olivier Dussopt, Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts08:15 a.m. CNEWS: Gabriel Attal, Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, Government Spokesperson8:20 a.m. France Inter: Jean Castex, Prime Minister8:30 a.m. France Info: Jordan Bardella, president of Rasse mblement national6:03 Hello everyone! Welcome to this live broadcast dedicated to the news of the presidential campaign for this Tuesday, April 19, 2022.