Partygate: Boris Johnson expected in Parliament to explain himself after being sanctioned

Published on: 04/19/2022 – 08:51 The British Prime Minister is due to speak to Parliament on Tuesday after the fine imposed on him as part of “Partygate”. Due to the Easter parliamentary truce, Boris Johnson had not yet faced MPs since this sanction, while discontent remains stubborn. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected in Parliament on Tuesday April 19 to explain himself after the fine imposed on him for violating anti-Covid restrictions, while remaining under threat of other sanctions. of the Easter parliamentary truce, the Tory leader has yet to face MPs since being fined – £50 (€60) according to the press – a week ago for a surprise birthday on the occasion of his 56th birthday, June 19, 2020. An event of “less than 10 minutes” according to him, which also earned his Minister of Finance, Rishi Sunak, and his wife Carrie, to be sanctioned. After the announcement of this sanction, Boris Johnson had, again, apologized and, again, ruled out resigning. at the forefront of Western sanctions against Russia, a number of deputies from his own camp deeming it inappropriate to try to drive him out of Downing Street in such a context. Discontent nevertheless remains tenacious, including in the ranks of the majority, as evidenced by the resignation of the Under Secretary of State for Justice David Wolfson, who invoked “the extent, context and nature” of the offenses committed in what is now called “Partygate”. But this soap opera, which infuriates Britons tested by the sacrifices and the restrictions they have had to endure in the face of the pandemic, seems far from over.”Liar”The London police, who have already imposed more than 50 fines, continue their investigations. And once the police investigation is complete, Boris Johnson will also have to face the conclusions of senior civil servant Sue Gray, who has already squashed in a pre-report of “errors of leadership and judgment”. He will also have to face the verdict ballot boxes in local elections on May 5, a vote that will have test value. According to the press, the conservative leader risks new fines for his presence at at least five other festive events presented as more embarrassing for him. After the emergence new details in the Sunday Times, to which a source described a Boris Johnson serving drinks, toasting and making a speech for the communications chief’s departure on November 13, 2020, Downing Street had to deny the driving role lent to the head of government in the turn of events that day.” If the latest information is true, it would not only mean that the Prime Minister was present at parties, but that he was the instigator of ‘at least one of them,’ lambasted the deputy leader of the Labor opposition, Angela Rayner. “He deliberately deceived the British people all along the line”, she accused, “he devalued his office, the British people deserve better”. According to the foretaste of his speech distilled in the media, Boris Johnson intends to highlight his role in supporting kyiv or his visit to India at the end of the week. He is also not immune to having to face a vote to seize a special commission, which would be charged with determining whether or not he knowingly misled Parliament – ​​synonymous with resignation, according to the ministerial code of conduct – in his various explanations about Partygate, after having assured time and again that all the rules had been respected. According to a study published on Monday, 72% of those polled have a negative assessment of the Prime Minister, the term recurring most often being that of “liar”. According to pollster James Johnson, who carried out the study, Partygate outweighs Ukraine in public opinion. “The furor hasn’t receded,” he tweeted, “a lot of the negative comments are from people who previously liked him but have changed their minds.” With AFP