A huge step for the technology giant: Russian military objects on maps are no longer secret! THIS can be seen – Topky.sk

Until now, Google maps have rasterized Russian military cities. Users could not see in detail what military equipment Russia has. However, this is a thing of the past, as the technology giant has removed the blur, reports The Moscow Times. As they explained, Google maps made Russia’s strategic locations visible to users on Monday, revealing details about the country’s military infrastructure. Archive VIDEO Satellite images show real horrors from the besieged city of Mariupol, more than 160,000 people are stranded there. According to them, the Ukrainian armed forces were the first to inform about it on the social network Twitter. Users will be able to view these strategic places with an accuracy of half a meter per pixel. In the new way, people can take a closer look at, for example, Admiral Kutuzov’s aircraft carrier, a nuclear weapons depot in Murmansk. They will also see a new high-resolution submarine base in Kamchatka or the Kursk military airport, which is only 150 kilometers from the Russian-Ukrainian border. OOGOOGLE MAPS ВІДКРИВ ДОСТУП ДО ВІЙСЬКОВИХ ТА ПотратеГІЧНИХ OBLЄЄТІВ РоСІЇ.
Тепер кожен може побачити різноманітні російські пускові установки, шахти міжконтинентальних балістичних ракет, командні пункти та секретні полігони з роздільною здатністю близько до 0.5 метра на піксель. pic.twitter.com/i75wR8Efwo – Armed Forces 🇺🇦 (@ArmedForcesUkr) April 18, 2022 Images of military equipment have been blurred, or their quality has been significantly reduced in order to protect their secrecy. According to the portal, this step by Google comes at a time when relations between Russia and the technology giant are extremely tense. The portal pointed out that this was not the first similar step by Google. As he explained, the company banned ads to Russian users after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russian officials subsequently accused the company of starting an information war. The reason was that the video platform blocked the Russian state media.