The executive of NAKA Kaľavský’s operatives was released from detention –

However, the accused is forbidden to leave Bosnia and Herzegovina. The article continues under video advertising The article continues under video advertising BRATISLAVA. The accused executive chief of staff of the National Criminal Agency, Ján Kaľavský, has been released from detention by the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but is prohibited from leaving the country. He was detained on the basis of an issued arrest warrant. Michal Slivka, a spokesman for the Presidium of the Police Force, informed TASR about this. “Interpol-Sarajevo confirmed to Interpol-Bratislava that the person was released, but at the same time with restricted measures on free movement, which include staying in a certain place without the possibility of leaving the country,” Slivka said, adding that the accused was also detained. Also a travel document.Related article Related article Former NAKA Kaľavský, Slovakia’s chief of staff detained in Bosnia, Slovakia asks for his extradition Read Kaľavský is suspected of disclosing sensitive information from the police environment to unauthorized persons, partly for various illegal property transactions. at the end of January, the indictment “for the multiple concurrence of the crime of taking a bribe with the offense of abuse of power by a public official and the crime of obstructing justice”.