Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: the motive for the alleged murder put forward

After more than fifteen months of investigation, the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar still remains a mystery. However, justice is far from standing still, if we are to believe Mourad Battikh, the lawyer for several relatives of the nurse from Cagnac-les-Mines in the Tarn. He confided in the Parisian on the major information which makes it possible to structure the accusation. He even advances the alleged motive for what is described as a murder. The investigation is not at a standstill, has been asserting Maître Battikh to the press since April 1, 2022. The lawyer was received with his clients, Didier and Élisabeth, the uncle and aunt of Delphine Jubillar, and three of their children, at the Toulouse court by magistrates Audrey Assemat and Coralyne Chartier in charge of the Jubillar case. He remains measured about his statements to the press because of the current investigation, but described the elements that allow to draw the motive: “Cédric Jubillar appears as a compulsively jealous husband who saw his wife escape him. Understanding that there was no turning back possible and that he could never win her back, he would have taken action. If the material evidence is lacking in this case, it is the personality of the suspect number 1, father of the two children of Delphine Jubillar and with whom she was in divorce proceedings, which directs all the attention. According to relatives of the 33-year-old young woman, their couple had not been well for months and even had a separate room. A description which is opposed to that which Cédric made of his couple, ensuring that they still shared the same bed. In pre-trial detention since June 2021, his requests for release have been denied each time. The mother of Louis and Elyah had undergone a psychological and physical transformation several months before his disappearance, according to the documentary of RMC Story, produced with the collaboration of the journalist of Parisian-Today in France Ronan Folgoas. Indeed, the “new” Delphine Jubillar, born Aussaguel, wanted to rebuild herself after years of grueling long-term marriage, a “Bidochon’s life” as she was also able to say with offbeat professional schedules and financial resources undermined by her husband’s gambling addiction. She was considering a separation, she had even mentioned it to her close entourage. Then comes her encounter, via the Gleeden application, with another man, first her confidant, then her lover: a person a thousand miles from the angry temperament of her husband. A behavior which would then have led to committing the irreparable according to the accusation. Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.