Émilie (MAPR 6): Accused of wanting a dad for her daughter rather than a husband, she answers cash! – NextPlz

This year, Married at first sight, season 6, is making a lot of noise! One candidate stands out in particular, Émilie. First criticized for abusing cosmetic surgery, it affects viewers. Mother of a nine-month-old girl, during filming, she confides in her difficult past. However, very happy with her ex, he leaves her when they learn that their child will surely be handicapped. Émilie confides: “Very quickly, I have no more news. He left the hostel overnight. The last image I have of him? He hugs me and cries. I thought he wanted to support me after an exam for my daughter. Actually no, it was a goodbye. “. A very difficult ordeal that would have led him to participate in the show?

Emily: A broken heart? She meets Frédérick at the hotel and the feeling passes immediately. The pretty brunette is sparkling and immediately makes an impression! But for some Internet users, the young woman is only looking for a father for her daughter. However, Émilie assures her, she is completely recovered from her abandonment: “Today, I don’t want it anymore. When I needed him, he wasn’t there. I fully assume my role even if it’s not always easy and I accepted that Lina didn’t have a dad. We don’t need him anymore. Now that we’re happy, it’s not the time to come back. It’s too late and too easy. “. But out of the question for the beauty to let herself go about the latest accusations. © Instagram / @emilie_mapr6 Single mom and proud to be! Yes, she admits having also done the program in order to send a message to her ex, she denies wanting to find a surrogate dad. She confides: “At the start of filming, I hoped that he would show up. It broke my heart that my daughter didn’t have a father. But with hindsight, I see that he is too cowardly and immature a man. For Emilie, there is a difference between “wanting to meet a good man who takes her with [sa] daughter and say, ‘I want a daddy.’ “. And she has a message to pass on to her detractors: “These are harmful people, bad about themselves. They’re talking nonsense. “. “I’m not going to let just anyone into my daughter’s life. Especially since she experienced abandonment. You can imagine that I’m not going to bring the first comer. “. Well said !