“I don’t understand anything about this society”: Christophe Dechavanne tackles some of the voters of Mélenchon – Teller Report

This Sunday, April 17, the result of the consultation of the supporters of France Insoumise was unveiled. And the refusal of two-thirds of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s voters to vote in favor of Emmanuel Macron against Marine Le Pen surprised Christophe Dechavanne who made it known on his Twitter account.

Two-thirds of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s voters will not vote for Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election, Sunday April 24. This is revealed by the consultation that looks like an internal survey carried out by France Insoumise in recent days. 215,292 people took part in this questionnaire for which the vote in favor of Marine Le Pen did not appear. 37.65% answered to choose the blank or null vote for next Sunday, 33.4% the Macron vote and 28.96% abstention. “Perhaps you will say something strong and republican” “Nearly 4.5 million people who voted for Melenchon would therefore be actively participating in the eventuality of far-right governance and all that goes with it, Christophe Dechavanne was surprised. I admit that I don’t understand anything about this society. But then nothing at all.” Nearly 4.5 million people who voted JLMelenchon would therefore actively participate in the eventuality of far-right governance and all that goes with it. I admit that I don’t understand anything about this society. But then nothing at all. Nothing ! https://t.co/eLoARhc0e2— ChristopheDechavanne (@CDechavanne) April 17, 2022 The TV host went so far as to challenge Jean-Luc Mélenchon, guest on BFMTV this Tuesday. “Perhaps you will say something strong and republican to those who trust you and who are, like you, citizens who deserve your protection.” Maybe you will say something strong and republican to those who trust you and who are, like you, citizens who deserve to be (that) (you) protect them (ies). If only… good evening to you @JLMelenchon https://t.co/98rlCo7x3i— ChristopheDechavanne (@CDechavanne) April 18, 2022