Elected in the drama under Zoborom failed: HK Nitra hockey players the first finalists of the Tipos extra league! – Športky.sk

Matthew O´Connor and HK Nitra hockey players and their celebrations after the triumph over Zvolen and advancing to the Tipos extra league final Source: SITA / Martin Havran NITRA – HK Nitra hockey players became the first finalists of the Kaufland playoff Tipos extra league. In Monday’s sixth semifinals, they defeated the defending champions from the Zvolen 2: 1 on the home ice and won the whole series 4: 2 in matches. In the fight for the title, they will meet the more successful of the Slovan – Košice pair. The state of the second series is 3: 3 and the advancing Tuesday will be dueled on Tuesday on the Bratislava ice. All goals of Monday’s match fell in the first period. Filip Krivošík recorded the winning shot in the 15th minute and Nitra managed to defend a close lead in the next course. Photo gallery (21) Source: TASR / Henrich Mišovič The opening third was rich in chances. In the 3rd minute, the inconspicuous shot of the guest Kotvan took over, who shot O’Connor from the blue line. Buček were able to score in the 7th minute, but he hesitated in front of a half-empty goal. Rockwood had a fantastic opportunity to put Nitranov up another goal 10 minutes into the match, but he fired just over the crossbar. A minute later, Hrnka scored an eighth goal in the playoff with an eighth goal in the playoffs, who, with Rahm’s contribution, used a power play. During the first period, Nitra was held by the goalkeeper O’Connor, who in the 13th minute with an effective intervention prevented the flying puck from ending in the goal. This gave the Corgoňs the opportunity to confirm a familiar rule, you won’t give. In the 15th minute, Krivošík sent Nitra into the lead. The second third brought more careful play from both sides. In the middle of the third, the “Bryndziari” had the advantage of a power play of four against three, but in its implementation they offered too much and in the end they hesitated several times. With 37 minutes played, Rockwood could have brought this one home for Rahm as he charged up on the left, but his hooked ball went just a bit too high. The Elected tried to erase the one-goal shorts with all their might. Near the goal, the guests were in the 47th minute, when the puck stopped leaning against the goal construction. Zvolen also lacked emphasis in the 50th minute at Saracin’s arrival. The guests tried the final bait, but the home team did not allow Zvolen to equalize with a sacrificial game. Nitra advanced to the finals. Photo gallery (21) Source: SITA / Martin Havran Match 6 – semifinal Kaufland play off Tipos extra league: HK Nitra – HKM Zvolen 2: 1 (2: 1, 0: 0, 0: 0)
Goals: 11. Hrnka (Tvrdoň, Holešinský), 15. Krivošík (Buček, Nemec) – 3. Kotvan (Csányi, Marcinek). Judges: Korba, Snášel – Kacej, Šoltés, disqualification: 5: 5 for 2 min, in addition: Mezei – Zuzin both 5 + DKZ for chopping, power-ups: 1: 0, weakening: 0: 0, 3600 spectators.
/ final state of the series: 4: 2, advanced Nitra / Nitra: O’Connor – Mezei, German, Švarný, Raskob, Vitáloš, Bodák, Pupák – Buček, Buncis, Krivošík – Holešinský, Rockwood, Sýkora – Tvrdoň, Hrnka, Bajtek – Drábek, Baláž, Varga – Múčka Zvolen: Rahm – Kotvan, Meliško, Diakov, Roy, Hraško, Kubka, Barcík – Zuzin, Vienenský, Puliš – Leskinen, Krieger, Osterberg – Stupka, Mikúš, Saracino – Csányi, Marcinek, Török Article Number of photos: 21 Author: © VIDEO list: Tipos Extraliga Source: TASR