Moskva ship, “hit by NATO missile”

The Moskva ship, which sunk in recent days in the war in Ukraine, was hit by a NATO missile. This is the thesis put forward by the political commentator and former Putin adviser, Sergei Markov. In an interview with the BBC, Markov said the missile that hit and sank the Russian warship Moskva was NATO and had been transferred to Ukraine in January. During the interview – reports ‘The Guardian’ – Markov admitted that the loss of the ship was a failure on the part of the Russian army, explaining however that it is due to the fact that Russia is fighting not only the Ukraine, but a coalition of large states, including the U.S. Meanwhile, the families of the sailors aboard the cruiser collide with the Russian authorities’ wall of silence and ask for the truth about the fate of their loved ones. And the information circulating on social media reveals that on board the flagship of the Russian Black Sea fleet there were also conscript sailors.The post released on the Russian social network VK by Dmitry Shkrebets, father of a young conscript sailor assigned to the ‘Moskva’ and whose traces have been lost. “It is reported that the entire crew has been evacuated. But that’s a lie! My son is not listed among the dead and the injured is not listed and is included in the missing persons list.” The man explains that he has asked for information at the top of the sunken cruiser, and asks himself “why are you officers alive and my son, a conscript soldier, dead?”. “I ask all those who are not afraid and not indifferent to spread this appeal of mine wherever they have the opportunity” and foretells “I will dedicate the rest of my life to ensuring that the truth emerges in this story”. invites you to copy his post before it is deleted – he also released a video in which he strokes a large plush toy wearing the horizontal striped tank top of Russian sailors explaining that “Mom bought it for you for your leave. we opened, since your leave arrived earlier “because of the Moskva tragedy.