War in Ukraine Live: EU condemns Russian ‘indiscriminate bombing’; Moscow says it destroyed a foreign weapons depot in the west of the country

https://assets-decodeurs.lemonde.fr/redacweb/ukraine-cartes-infographie/derniere-maj-ukraine-avancee-russe.png https://assets-decodeurs.lemonde.fr/redacweb/ukraine-cartes-infographie /last-maj-ukraine-avancee-russe.png 30 The situation on the map Agrandir The context Live hosted by Eléa Pommiers and Cécile Bouanchaud The battle for control of the city of Mariupol continues, raising fears of heavy human losses on the Ukrainian side. On Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Moscow of wanting to “annihilate other cities” in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and of seeking to “destroy” Donbass. Everything will be done to defend this region, he promised. A Mariupol police official, Mykhailo Verchynin, assures that “many civilians, including women, children, babies and the elderly”, are entrenched in the Azovstal complex. Russia also continued its bombardments on Saturday and Sunday, aimed at targets in eight Ukrainian regions. In kyiv, one person was killed and several others injured, in the raïon (administrative district) Darnytsky, and an armament factory was targeted. In Kharkiv (north-east), the second city of Ukraine, at least five people died on Sunday and twenty others were injured by a series of Russian strikes, noted the regional governor, Oleh Synehoubov. No humanitarian corridor on Sunday. The Ukrainian authorities announced on Sunday the suspension of the humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians from eastern Ukraine, for lack of agreement with the Russian army on a cessation of firing. “This morning, we failed to negotiate a ceasefire on evacuation routes with the occupiers. That is why, unfortunately, we are not going to open humanitarian corridors today,” Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk explained on Telegram. invited Emmanuel Macron to go to Ukraine to see with his own eyes that the Russian forces are committing “genocide”, a term that the French president has so far refused to use. On Saturday, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR) announced that 40,200 additional people had fled Ukraine in 24 hours. In total, since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia on February 24, 4,836,445 people have fled the country. Read all our articles, analyzes and reports on the war in Ukraine Reportage. Dnipro, the logistical node of the resistance to the Russian offensive, lives to the rhythm of waves of refugees and bombardments Decryption. Mariupol, the Azov brigade’s last stand against the Russian troops Testimony. Ukrainian exiles in France: “2,000 kilometers from here, I know that there is another “home”, the real one” Enquête. Russian chess advances its pawns against Putin Analysis. War in Ukraine: possible military scenarios in the Donbass Tribune. “The possible enlargement of NATO to Ukraine must be seriously considered and discussed” You can find our live from yesterday on this link. “Why is my question not published? “: how “Le Monde” manages contributions in live follow-ups