Covid, WHO: new record week with 5.7 million infections

The number of Covid-19 cases globally remains for the second consecutive week at the highest levels since the beginning of the pandemic, with over 5.7 million new infections, after 9 consecutive weeks of increase. The new deaths are over 93 thousand, up for the seventh consecutive week. This is what the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals from the latest weekly epidemiological report. The Southeast Asian region continues to record a marked increase in both cases and deaths, WHO points out. India concentrates over 90% of infections and deaths in the region, the Geneva agency specifies, as well as 46% of cases and 25% of deaths reported globally in the last week. The incidence decreases in the regions of Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, Africa and the Americas; stable in the western Pacific region. The number of deaths fell in Europe, Africa and the western Pacific, while slight increases were reported in the Americas and the eastern Mediterranean. This week the largest number of new cases was recorded from India (2,597,285, + 20%). Brazil (421,933, + 4%), United States (345,692, -15%), Turkey (257,992, -32%) and France (163,666, -23%).