Minors, employees, transport: the extension of the health pass raises questions

If all the details concerning the extension of the health pass in France have not yet been decided, Tuesday, the day after Emmanuel Macron’s announcements, some answers have somewhat dispelled the vagueness – on the 12-18 years and transport, in particular.

Emmanuel Macron’s announcements relating to the extension of the health pass created a wave of panic. Among the French who have flocked, since Monday evening, to medical appointment sites in search of available slots to be vaccinated. Among professionals in the sectors directly concerned who began, Tuesday, July 13, to see a little more clearly on the application of the measures announced the day before by the Head of State.

France 24 takes stock of the main clarifications provided by the government:

>> To read: Covid-19: rush on vaccination appointments after Macron’s announcements

  • “Flexibility rules” for 12-18 year olds

“It is out of the question to impose a hellish summer” on those under 18, a “small number” of whom have a full vaccination schedule against Covid-19, government spokesman Gabriel Attal told the exit from the Council of Ministers, affirming that the government was “pragmatic” and anxious to “make prevail the common sense”.

He indicated that the Minister of Health Olivier Véran would “discuss to communicate rules of flexibility”, perhaps “before the end of the day”. During this holiday period, “many families are waiting” to know them, he added.

Olivier Véran mentioned several avenues: tests valid beyond 48 hours, taking into account of a first dose, use of the parents’ vaccination status …

Vaccination has been available to adolescents since June 15 – provided they are voluntary, with the agreement of both parents and in the presence of one of them.

  • Health pass in long-distance transport but not for local transport

The health pass will be required in long-distance transport, for both passengers and employees, and will be subject to checks on board. On the other hand, it will not be necessary in local transport, specified the Minister for Transport, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, on BFMTV.

TER, Transiliens, metros, buses, “mainly used for professional reasons”, “are not affected by the requirement of the sanitary pass”. The latter “will mainly concern TGV and Intercity trains, coaches which make interregional journeys, and domestic journeys by plane”, indicated Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, journeys by plane abroad being already subject to the health pass.

>> To read: Compulsory vaccination, health pass, PCR tests: Emmanuel Macron puts the unvaccinated under pressure

In this sector, the checks are carried out by the companies at the check-in counter … often resulting in longer queues. The extension of the system will represent a new challenge, particularly in stations, in the height of the summer season.

“We expect operators to find solutions so that there is a maximum of fluidity (…) it is a question which is not easy”, declared to AFP the president of the Federation. national association of transport users (Fnaut), Bruno Gazeau, very favorable to an extended health pass.

SNCF said Tuesday that it was working “with the government on the terms of application and control, with the objective of defining a device that is easy to implement”, and promised a communication “to travelers in the coming days”.

In addition, the health pass should apply to all employees “in contact” with passengers, in all sectors of long-distance transport. “The SNCF controller will have to hold a health pass”, illustrated the Minister of Transport.

  • “Flexibility” for restaurant and café staff

“A certain number of” employees of restaurants and cafes “do not yet have their complete vaccination schedule and here too, we will seek to be flexible in the way in which this health pass will apply for these employees”, explained Gabriel Attal leaving the Council of Ministers.

“Regarding the employees of establishments open to the public, we are working with the health authorities and very quickly, we wish to be able to communicate on the terms of application,” he said.

Asked Tuesday morning about the implementation deadlines for employees, the Secretary of State first replied on Europe 1 that “for a person who has not yet had time to take his two doses, she can obviously benefit from the health pass by doing tests regularly “, while conceding that” it is not what is most comfortable “.

>> To read: Entering the campaign, Emmanuel Macron wants to continue his reforms

“The law will not be applicable from August 1, there will be a few days of delay”, then qualified the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, on BFMTV.

“We will work upstream of the presentation of the text, to see if we can, over the period of 15 days following the 2nd injection, save a few days to allow those who have made their approach in time to be vaccinated , to be able to be considered as sufficiently protected to work “, he explained.

Professionals of cafes, bars and restaurants, consulted on Tuesday by the Ministry of the Economy as well as those of other sectors concerned by the gradual generalization of the health pass, said they were “hopeful” of obtaining a deadline to apply this measure to their employees.

  • Four areas of concern for shopping centers

Shopping center professionals, who exchanged Tuesday afternoon with three ministers – Bruno Le Maire, Élisabeth Borne and Alain Griset – raised “four subjects” of concern, explained to AFP Jacques Creyssel, delegate general of the Federation of Trade and Distribution (FCD). A new consultation is planned at the end of the week or at the beginning of the following week.

On the one hand, knowing which shopping centers will be concerned: “Is it over 10,000 square meters, 20,000 or over 40,000? All of this will be part of the consultation” , said Minister Delegate for SMEs Alain Griset, on France Info.

Another question, “knowing where the control is carried out, is it at the entrance to the stores or at the entrance to the shopping center?”, Says Jacques Creyssel. The question is thorny because shopping malls are often home to food stores and pharmacies. “It would be complicated to tell people who do not have a health pass that they cannot eat, or go to be tested or vaccinated …”

“Third subject is the vaccination of our employees, namely that many of them, often young, are not vaccinated,” he continues. Professionals are asking for a postponement of the obligation to September 15.

Last issue, that of controls: “How they will be done? By whom?” Asks Jacques Creyssel, who “told the ministers that this could require the assistance of the police”.

  • Tests at the entrance to amusement parks

Amusement parks such as Puy du Fou and Parc Astérix were preparing quickly on Tuesday to set up the health pass in a few days by allowing their visitors to test themselves at the entrance.

“We share the goal of putting a definitive end to this epidemic. From July 21, a health pass will be required, except for those under 12, and there should be flexibility up to 18 years. do everything to ensure the safety of our visitors: we will offer on-site tests, in our main sites, “Dominique Thillaud, general manager of Compagnie des Alpes, owner of Parc Astérix, Walibi parks and the museum, told AFP. Grévin, in particular.

“We are testing our agility as operators, because the deadlines are extremely short,” he continued. “Especially since two-thirds of our visitors are under 35, they were eligible for vaccination late: it’s a big challenge,” said Dominique Thillaud. At the peak of its peak season, Parc Astérix currently welcomes some 140,000 visitors per week.

  • No health pass in places of worship

Compulsory from July 21 for places of “leisure and culture” gathering more than 50 people, then in restaurants and long-distance transport from August, the health pass does not apply to places of worship because the latter benefit from ‘constitutional protection,’ Matignon told AFP, confirming information from the Figaro.

The faithful will therefore not have to present this document – which attests to a negative Covid test or a complete vaccination – to go to pray.

The particular importance of freedom of worship has already been stressed twice by the Council of State since the start of the epidemic.

In November 2020, the highest French administrative court had thus retested the maximum level of 30 people in religious ceremonies, a restriction initially imposed by the government. In their decision, the judges considered that the activities carried out in places of worship “are not of the same nature” as those of cinemas or theaters and that “the fundamental freedoms which are at stake are not the same”.

Previously, the Council of State had ordered, in May 2020, to lift the “general and absolute” ban on meetings in places of worship, which the government wanted to impose as part of the progressive deconfinement after the first wave.

With AFP

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