Zelenský’s sincere confession: I no longer trust the world! He described an important international document as a worthless piece of paper – Topky.sk

Asked whether in connection with Ukraine, he considers the term “never again” used by politicians around the world to speak about the Holocaust and crimes against humanity to be empty, Zelensky replied: “I do not believe the world. After seeing what is happening in Ukraine, I have the feeling that we should not trust some countries or some leaders. We do not believe those words. After the escalation by Russia, we do not believe our neighbors. We do not believe all this. ” The Ukrainian president also does not believe in the security guarantees provided by the documents and international law, as war is raging in Ukraine and Russia is accused of alleged war crimes. “Even I don’t trust the document, because we also have the Budapest Memorandum – I think you know all the details. For me, it’s just a worthless piece of paper,” Zelenskyj said. He added that he believed in practical, tangible efforts and the Ukrainian people. “We only believe in contractual, pragmatic things. If you are our friends or partners, give us weapons, give us a hand, support us, give us money and stop Russia. If you are our friends, you can do it.” there is faith in ourselves, in our people, faith in our armed forces and the belief that countries will support us not only with their words but also with their actions. And that is all. Never again … Really, everyone talks about it, and yet, as you can see, not everyone has the courage, “concluded Zelensky. Photo gallery (3) Volodymyr Zelensky
Source: SITA / Ukrainian Presidential Press Office via AP Ukraine does not want to give up Donbas He stressed that Ukraine is not willing to give up the territory of Donbas in the east, because it has no guarantee that Russia will not try to reconquer Kiev if it occupies Donbas. The Ukrainian president also wants US President Joe Biden to come to Ukraine. “I think he’s coming,” Zelensky said. “Of course, it’s his decision. It also depends on the security situation, but I think he’s the leader of the United States and that’s why he should come here.” Photo Gallery (3) US President Joe Biden
Source: SITA / Greg Nash / Pool via AP In a recent telephone conversation, he also invited French President Emmanuel Macron to Ukraine, who met several times with Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin and, unlike Biden, does not think that the events there should be called genocide. “I think he wants to take some steps to get Russia involved in the dialogue. I told him I wanted him to understand that this was not a war, but nothing but genocide,” Zelensky said. “I invited him to come when he had the chance. When he comes and sees it, I’m sure he’ll understand.”