The president said this bluntly: This would mean a third world war! Ukraine ‘s accession to NATO is not possible –

In a TV talk show, Markíza Na telo also said that further sanctions should be imposed on Russia and further steps to help Ukraine. The head of state has no information that further Slovak military aid to Ukraine should be approved. “Crossing the line of active combat of our armed forces in Ukraine would mean entering World War III,” the president declared.

At the same time, she said that she did not agree with the words of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenský that NATO and the EU would suffer disunity within their position. According to her, we would have to ensure the declaration of a no-fly zone over Ukraine by military force. “It would mean the entry of the Allied forces into the territory of Ukraine and explicitly part of the fight. We would enter a military conflict and become a party to the war.” clarified.

Ukraine’s accession to NATO is not possible

According to Čaputová, the debate on Ukraine’s accession to the EU is largely a symbolic step. She added that Ukraine has a European aspiration and that pre-accession negotiations need to be opened with it. She should be given candidate status. According to her, Ukraine’s membership in NATO is much more complicated and, according to her, its entry into the Alliance is not really possible today.

According to the head of state, a temporary advanced presence of NATO troops in Slovakia would mean declaring readiness, unity. “Because we are in NATO, we are under a safe NATO umbrella, and that must have its practical consequences,“she said that the Slovak Republic is not directly endangered, but we want to behave responsibly and preventively. According to her, this is more of a principle of intimidation. It should be protection against possible conflict over the territory of NATO countries.

Humanitarian aid is not enough for Ukraine

The president does not register the application for permission to serve in the Ukrainian army, we say we have a very lengthy process. If the government decided to change the law, it would not be an obstacle to assessing individual applications. He talks about specific cases where, for example, Ukrainians with Slovak citizenship would like to go home to fight.

She stressed that it is not enough to give Ukraine only humanitarian aid, but also to send technical assistance, because the country is defending itself against the aggressor. According to her, we cannot look at the innocent civilians as victims. He therefore does not understand the opposition’s reservations. According to the President, our Ministry of Foreign Affairs coordinates the possible expulsion of diplomats with other EU countries.

Photo gallery (2)

Civilians are preparing for a Russian attack on the city of Lviv.
Source: SITA / AP Photo / Felipe Dana

“Given the information we have from our intelligence services, this is a very mature time in some cases. It needs to be considered responsibly.” she said. According to her, the sanctions against Russia are massive and unprecedented, and their consequences are gradually beginning. He sees space going further in them. There is talk of personnel sanctions against family members of the political leadership or the disconnection of the remaining Russian banks from the SWIFT system.

According to the president, cutting off Russian gas as part of sanctions is possible. “We have stocks for about a year, and some may go beyond. It’s not a country-by-country approach to compensating for the cut, but a common EU approach, and that’s good news.” she said. According to her, joint purchasing within the EU can mean better negotiation of prices on the world market.

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