Europe is dependent on Russian gas: THIS are ten alternatives that can get us out of addiction –

The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) analysis suggests a series of immediate measures that could be taken to reduce dependence on Russian gas while increasing the short-term resilience of the EU’s gas network and minimizing inconvenience to vulnerable consumers. The measures are proposed even though their implementation would be reflected in a slower pace of EU emission reductions. The analysis points to ten possible alternatives by which Europe could break away from Russian gas.

1. No new gas supply contracts with Russia

Gas import contracts with Russian company Gazprom, which cover more than 15 billion cubic meters per year, will expire by the end of this year. This corresponds to about twelve percent of the company’s gas supplies to the EU in the previous calendar year. The Union thus has a clear opportunity to conclude gas supply contracts with another partner in the near future.

2. Replacing Russian gas supplies with alternative sources

Imports from non-Russian gas pipelines (including Azerbaijan and Norway) could increase by up to 10 billion cubic meters of gas from 2021 next year. The EU has more potential to increase LNG imports in the near future. Liquefied natural gas trade is inherently flexible. Europe should focus on using this gas supply. There is talk of Asia. The increase in gas supplies, but not from Russia, presupposes a concerted effort to address methane leakage across Europe.

3. Minimum gas storage obligation to increase market resilience

Gas storage plays a key role in managing seasonal fluctuations, such as a sharp increase in demand or supply shortfalls. The security provided by gas storage is greater in times of geopolitical tensions. Regional coordination of gas storage levels and access to them can provide an important element of solidarity between EU Member States and strengthen their security of gas supply before the next winter season.

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Source: TASR / Henrich Mišovic

4. Accelerate the implementation of new wind and solar projects

In 2022, a record increase in solar photovoltaic and wind energy capacity and a return to average weather conditions are expected, which will increase EU production from these renewables by more than one hundred terawatt hours (TWh), an increase of more than 15 percent compared to 2021. Faster deployment of rooftop solar photovoltaic systems can reduce consumer bills. A short-term grant program covering 20 percent of installation costs could double the pace of investment (compared to the IEA’s base forecast) at a cost of around € 3 billion. This would increase the annual output of rooftop solar photovoltaic systems by up to 15 TWh.

Nord Stream 2

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Nord Stream 2
Source: TASR / AP

5. Maximizing production from existing low-emission control sources – bioenergy and nuclear energy

Nuclear power is the largest source of low-emission electricity in the EU, but several reactors were shut down in 2021 for maintenance and safety checks. In 2022, these reactors will return to safe operation, which, together with the start of commercial operation of the completed reactor in Finland, could lead to an increase in nuclear power generation in the EU by up to 20 TWh in 2022.

6. Introduce short-term measures to protect vulnerable electricity consumers from high prices

With today’s market organization, high gas prices in the EU translate into high wholesale electricity prices in ways that can lead to windfall profits for companies. This has a significant impact on the affordability of electricity, as well as on economic incentives for wider end-use electrification, which is a key element of the transition to clean energy.

Temporary tax measures to increase the windfall profits of energy companies could be considered. These tax revenues should then be redistributed among electricity consumers in order to partially offset the higher energy bills. Measures to tax windfall profits have already been taken in Italy and Romania in 2022.

Europe is dependent on

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7. Acceleration of the exchange of gas boilers for heat pumps

Heat pumps offer a very efficient and cost-effective way of heating homes, replacing boilers using gas or other fossil fuels. Accelerating the projected deployment by doubling the current heat pump installation rates in the EU would save another two billion m3 of gas consumption during the first year, which would require a total additional investment of € 15 billion.

8. Accelerate energy efficiency improvements in buildings and industry

Energy efficiency is a powerful tool for a safe transition to clean energy, but achieving great results often takes time. In this plan, we are considering how to increase the pace of progress, focusing on measures that can change that quickly.

Many homes install smart heating controllers (smart thermostats) to reduce energy bills and improve home comfort. This is a simple process that can be expanded quickly. A tripling of the current installation rate of around one million households per year would reduce the demand for household heating gas by a further 200 million m3 per year at a total cost of EUR 1 billion. The deployment of these facilities can be stimulated through existing schemes, such as household subsidies or mandatory service schemes.

9. Encouraging consumers to temporarily adjust the thermostat

Many European citizens have already responded to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in various ways – through donations or, in some cases, direct assistance to refugees from Ukraine. Adjusting heating regulation in European gas-fired buildings would be another way of interim action, saving a considerable amount of energy. The average heating temperature of buildings in the EU is currently above 22 degrees Celsius. Modifying a building thermostat would result in an immediate annual energy saving of around 10 billion m3 for each stage of reduction, while reducing energy bills.

Europe is dependent on

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Source: Getty Images

10. Increasing efforts to diversify and decarbonise the sources of flexibility in the energy system

A key policy challenge for the EU in the coming years is to expand alternative forms of flexibility for the energy system, in particular seasonal flexibility, but also to shift demand and eliminate peaks. Flexibility measures to reduce industrial demand for electricity and gas at peak times are particularly important to alleviate the pressure on gas demand in electricity generation. Low-carbon gases from domestic sources, including biomethane, low-carbon hydrogen and synthetic methane, could be an important part of the solution, but will require much greater demonstration and deployment efforts.

If the EU wishes, resp. it needs to reduce its dependence on Russian gas even faster, it has other options at its disposal, but with significant compromises. The main short-term option would be to switch from gas use in the energy sector through increased attendance of the European coal-fired fleet or the use of alternative fuels, in particular liquid fuels, in existing gas-fired power plants.

Europe is dependent on Russian gas: THIS are ten alternatives that can get us out of addiction

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