The Israeli Prime Minister took the negotiations into his own hands, he was in the Kremlin and Berlin –

The start of the Russian part of Saturday’s meeting was confirmed by the office of the Israeli Prime Minister, the AP agency said. This was the foreign leader’s first visit to Moscow since last week, when Russian troops launched an invasion of Ukraine.

The prime minister spoke to Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Zeleny by phone this week. Kiev has asked Israel to mediate negotiations between the two sides.

No foreign leader has visited Moscow since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24. The day before the invasion in Russia, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan negotiated, but his visit was planned long in advance.

Bennett “Sacrificed” Shabbat

After talks in Russia and a phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the Israeli prime minister then headed to Berlin for talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. After the meeting, both identified the end of the war in Ukraine as a common goal.

The main focus of the talk, which lasted about 90 minutes, was on the results of Bennett’s talks in Moscow, a German government spokesman said.

The two heads of government agreed to stay in close contact and called for an end to the war in Ukraine as soon as possible. “Few details were leaked about the content of the negotiations,” noted by AFP.

Bennett has not yet joined in the international condemnation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The Prime Minister emphasizes the strong ties between Israel and Moscow and Kiev. Due to this proximity to both warring parties, Israel offered to mediate, which was supported by Ukrainian officials, the AFP recalled.

Bennett is a religiously based Jew who does not usually work on a Sabbath, which is a Jewish Sabbath holiday dedicated to rest. Exceptional circumstances are an exception.

Bennett returns to Israel from Germany. Prior to meeting with the Russian president, he consulted his mission with the United States, Germany and France, as confirmed by the Elysee Palace.

Bennett was accompanied by Russian-speaking Construction Minister Zeev Elkin, who is originally from Ukraine.

According to the Israeli press, the prime minister’s trip to Moscow brings Israel back to the center of international events, but commentators see Bennett’s chances of influencing Russia’s stance as slim, the AFP noted.

“It all depends on Putin’s mental state. Russia is currently in a different position than before the war, and Putin may be looking for a way out. Naftali Bennett could be the one to offer it to him. “ told AFP a little more optimistic former Israeli ambassador to the US Michael Oren.

Ukraine is negotiating with the United States

On Saturday evening, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba also met with his American counterpart Antony Blinken on the Ukrainian-Polish border. The heads of diplomacy discussed, among other things, further sanctions against Russia and arms supplies.

Consideration“I hope the Ukrainians will interpret it as a clear message that we have friends behind us, literally,” Kulebu was quoted by Reuters.

However, the Ukrainian minister also complained that NATO was still rejecting Kiev’s request to create a no-fly zone over Ukraine, which he said would cause further casualties in the civilian population.

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