What is the martial law that Ukraine has imposed and what does it imply?

(CNN Spanish) — Shortly after the start of Russia’s military operations in Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky introduced martial law throughout the country and called on the population to remain calm, as reports of explosions in various parts of the country increased. .

“We are introducing martial law throughout the territory of our country. A minute ago I had a conversation with President Biden. The US has already begun to marshal international support. Today each of you must remain calm. Stay home if you can. We are working. The Army is working. The entire defense and security sector is working,” Zelensky said.

What is the martial law imposed in Ukraine and what does it imply?

Zelensky signed this Thursday the decree 64/2022 “On the imposition of martial law in Ukraine”, with the support of 300 members of the Ukrainian Parliament, according to the official statement from Kyiv.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

Martial law began at 5:30 am (local time) on February 24, 2022 and will last for an initial 30 days.

“The constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen provided for in Articles 30-34, 38, 39, 41-44, 53 of the Constitution of Ukraine may be temporarily restricted, temporary restrictions shall also be imposed on the legitimate rights and interests of legal persons”, points out the notice.

These constitutional articles, that may be restricted in Ukraine, include the inviolability of the home, freedom of movement and expression, the right to protest, strike and association, and private property, among other issues.

The decree also calls on the Military Command, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, other bodies of the executive branch and local self-government bodies, to ensure the measures and powers provided for by law.