War in Ukraine, Putin: “Russia forced into these measures”

“We have been forced to take these measures.” This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin speaking of the military operation in Ukraine that began last night, on the occasion of a meeting with the Russian business community. Read also Then, in response to the sanctions decided by the West for the invasion of Ukraine, he stressed: “Russia remains part of the world economy.” “We all understand, you and I, the world in which we live and we all are prepare, in one way or another, for what is happening in terms of sanctioning policies and restrictions “, said the Russian president, addressing the representatives of the main companies of the country summoned to the Kremlin this afternoon, a few hours after the commencement of military intervention against Ukraine. “What is happening is a forced action. But they did not leave us a chance to do otherwise. The security risks created were such that it was impossible to respond by other means,” Putin said. The Kremlin has warned the West not to break diplomatic ties with Moscow. “A country like Russia cannot remain behind an iron curtain,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, quoted by the Interfax news agency. “Of course we may have problems with some states. But one way or another. , we already had problems with these states, “he added. Asked how Russia will react to Western sanctions, Peskov replied: “We will analyze events and evaluate further steps if problems arise.” carrying out severe and coordinated economic and financial sanctions “.” We are closely monitoring global oil and gas market conditions, including in the context of further Russian military aggression against Ukraine “,” and we are ready to act if necessary to address potential problems “, affirm the G7 leaders in the statement released at the end of the summit, underlining the support for” a coherent and constructive dialogue and coordination between the major energy producers and consumers for our common interest in supply stability global energy “.