Ukraine, Minuto Rizzo (NATO): “I fear many deaths, Putin’s goal will change government in Kiev ‘

The risk of the “large-scale invasion” initiated in the night by Russia is that “there may be many deaths”, even if at the moment it is not clear what Vladimir Putin’s territorial objective is, while the political one seems to be the change of government in Kiev. This is the analysis of Alessandro Minuto Rizzo, former deputy secretary general of NATO and president of the NATO defense college foundation, who underlines, speaking with the Adnkronos, how the Russian “dictator” has an idea of ​​a nation that “is expressed in territorial terms, with a vision that is of the nineteenth century “. The Russians entered Ukraine last night but at the moment it is not clear how far they want to go, “I think the decisions will come along, let’s see what the end point of the occupation will be: what I fear is that there may be many victims “, warns Minuto Rizzo, with the hope that Putin can be content with” taking some strategic centers, such as Odessa, for example, claiming to have achieved his goals “. From a political point of view, according to the former number two of the Alliance, “the ultimate goal could be the change of government in Kiev, with the arrival of pro-Russian personalities close to him”. What seems certain, however, according to Minuto Rizzo is that everything was “predetermined and that even before this last round of negotiations with the French President Emmanuel Macron, of the nightly phone calls, he had already decided what to do and that he was taking advantage of it only to prepare everything at best “. ‘The US and NATO have nothing to blame, Kiev’s entry into the alliance is a legend’ On the other hand, the president of the NATO defense college foundation recalls,” the requests he presented in recent weeks were very high, clearly they could not be satisfied, how can one ask to review the whole European security order all over again: what could be done was to improve communication, talk to each other, exchange information “and negotiate on issues such as missiles. While that of Ukraine’s entry into NATO “is a legend” that he used in a pretext way. And NATO and the United States, net of some mistakes and gaffes committed in recent years, “on this occasion they have nothing to reproach, they did well, it could not be written in a treaty that Ukraine would not join NATO, but the Russians had been promised to open negotiations on other issues …. it was in progress … “, underlines the ambassador. Putin no longer rational? People get older, has lost sense of reality Isn’tutin more rational? “We are talking about a person we know up to a certain point – he observes – People age, then of course he always had this dream of rebuilding the great old Russia, the last time I went to Moscow in 2007 Putin had a copy of the Treaty of Helsinki of 1975 of which he had underlined some points that, according to him, the West had not respected “. A sort of obsession that at first also had “a political logic of its own, based on the feeling that it was the right time to take advantage of President Biden’s weakness, but then it seems to have lost its sense of reality and last night’s step seems like a bad strategy “. Finally Minuto Rizzo speaks of the “19th century vision of this dictator’s politics, which is expressed in territorial terms, this belongs to me this belongs to them”. “But today international politics in liberal countries – he says – is based on technological capabilities, on information, on the possession of data, not on a muscular vision in which the territory is the founding element of power”.