Sudden change in RTVS: Chuguryan resigns as head of news and journalism –

Butcher respects Chuguryan’s decision. He also appreciates his work to date. “Similarly, the results of RTVS intelligence during its monitoring and credibility surveys,” added Reznik.

Attila Lovász will temporarily replace him

Chuguryan thanked his previous colleagues for their cooperation, viewers and listeners for their confidence in the public service news. Chuguryan’s successor Attila Lovász has many years of experience in the field of media in the positions of editor and editor-in-chief. Since 2011 he has been managing national broadcasting at RTVS.

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Attila Lovász, Director of the RTVS National Broadcasting Section
Source: TASR / Jakub Kotian

Chuguryan resigned from the post after criticizing how RTVS presented the topic of tension in Ukraine in the Tuesday (February 22) program News and Comments. The reservations were aroused by the pro-Russian statements of the former Prime Minister and Minister of Justice of the Slovak Republic Ján Čarnogurský, who were left without opposition and confrontation with real facts.