NATO strengthens its eastern border, US troops are already heading to Latvia and Poland –

In the early morning hours, 40 combat units of the 173rd Airborne Brigade (Sky Soldiers) arrived in Latvia from their home base in Italy in the early morning hours. Their deployment is part of the transfer of 800 US troops and equipment to the Baltics (former Soviet republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), which are now part of the NATO alliance, says Daily Mail. US President Joe Biden said the alliance was defensive and the US “did not intend to fight Russia.” The small deployment of US troops in the Baltics is strategically insignificant at the military level. However, it is designed to reassure NATO allies that this is an immediate US military response to any aggression against the Baltic states.

The deployment of US troops to the Baltic states, which share borders with Russia, will certainly not leave Putin cold. Russia’s head has long called for the withdrawal of NATO forces from Eastern Europe.

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Vladimir Putin with the Serbian president.
Source: SITA / Mikhail Klimentyev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP

The Latvian Ministry of Defense praised the deployment of US troops, saying it confirmed the “US commitment to defend NATO allies and strengthen Latvia’s defense capabilities.” The Foreign Ministers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania stated in a joint statement that “they condemn the widespread Russian aggression against an independent and democratic Ukraine.” They called for the toughest sanctions against Russia, which include severing ties with the international banking system. Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevich said on Twitter that “February 24, 2022 is a day that will forever be associated with shame.” In this way, he merely repeated the phrase that marked America’s entry into World War II.

Latvian Deputy Prime Minister Artis Pabriks said this week that if Latvia had not been a member of NATO, “Now we would definitely be in the position of Ukraine, I can guarantee that.”

Biden doesn’t want a war

President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday the move of US troops to the Baltics as part of a broader strengthening of NATO’s eastern wing, saying that the military would help the refugees and strengthen the border. Military intervention in Ukraine ruled out. “I have allowed additional transfers of US forces and equipment already deployed in Europe to strengthen our Baltic allies – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. I will say this clearly. For our part, it is only a matter of defense. We do not intend to fight Russia. We want to however, to send the message that the United States, together with our allies, will defend every inch of NATO territory and abide by the commitments we have agreed within the alliance. “ Biden said.

US President Joe Biden

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US President Joe Biden during a speech to the nation about the situation in Russia and Ukraine
Source: SITA / AP Photo / Alex Brandon

The Pentagon says the Baltic deployment is part of a wider movement of troops and equipment that will strengthen NATO allies near the war in Ukraine and near the Russian border. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has approved the transfer of eight F-35 Lightning II aircraft from Germany to NATO’s Eastern Wing operations sites. Twenty AH-64 Apache attack helicopters will also be relocated from Germany to the Baltic region and 12 Apache helicopters will be relocated from Greece to Poland.

NATO is strengthening its eastern one

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Source: SITA / AP / Chiang Ying-ying

“This additional personnel is being relocated to reassure our NATO allies, discourage any potential aggression against NATO member states, and train with host country forces.” stated in a written statement. All Allied troops are under the command of Air Force General Tod D. Wolters, commander of the European European Command. The Pentagon says the move is the latest in a series to appease front-line states. The United States has already sent 1,000 Stryker troops from Germany to Romania.

The combat team of the 82nd Airborne Division’s infantry brigade of about 3,000 troops will be sent from Fort Bragg, North Carolina to Poland, joining the approximately 1,700 American troops already there. Stryker units will head to Hungary and Bulgaria. In addition, Austin has ordered increased preparedness for 8,500 troops if NATO activates its rapid reaction force. There are currently about 90,000 US troops operating in Europe.

History of the Baltic countries

Russia’s attack on Ukraine has caused shocks, especially in the Baltic states, which are former Soviet states, and a possible goal of Putin’s ambition to create a buffer zone between NATO and Russia. The Lithuanian president has declared a state of emergency, and Latvia has suspended broadcasting rights to several Russian television stations accused of spreading misinformation and propaganda. All three Baltic countries were occupied and annexed by Joseph Stalin during World War II. They gained independence only after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

They joined NATO in 2004 and came under the military protection of the United States and its Western allies. Ukraine is not part of NATO. The escalating tensions that culminated in today’s Russian attack have reminded the people of the Baltics of mass deportations and oppression. “My grandparents were sent to Siberia. My father was persecuted by the KGB. I now live in a free democracy, but I can’t seem to take anything for granted.” said teacher Jaunius Kazlauskas (50) from Vilnius.

They are calling for tough sanctions for Russia

Together with Poland, which is also a member of NATO, the Baltic countries are among the most radical supporters of sanctions against Moscow. “The fight for Ukraine is a fight for Europe. If Putin is not stopped there, he will move on.” Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis warned last week at a joint news conference with US Secretary of Defense Austin.

NATO is strengthening its eastern border, with US troops already heading to Latvia and Poland