Ukraine, Russia, war: Putin speech, analysis

Ukraine named 35 times, Russia 24. There is also space for the USSR and Lenin in the speeches with which Vladimir Putin announced the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, according to the analysis carried out by Volocom on the 3695 words with which the Russian president has addressed the situation in recent days. Most used adjectives: Soviet: 10; Communist: 7; Ukrainian: 5; Ukrainian: 5; necessary: ​​4; Russian: 4; Ukrainian: 4; true: 4. administrative: 3 civilian: 3 Most used names: nationalists: 10; power: 10; party: 8; situation: 8; authority: 7; government: 7; reality: 7; republics: 7; dollars: 6; war: 6. Most used verbs: seeking: 3; give: 3; raise: 3; happening: 3; tackle: 2; add: 2; profited: 2; increased: 2; including: 2; create: 2. Popular words: Ukraine: 35; Russia: 24; USSR: 14; nationalists: 11; Lenin: 10; power: 10; Soviet: 10; party: 8; situation: 8; authority: 7.