Volodymyr Zelensky called President Caputova. In the first eight words, he said absolutely everything TVNOVINY.sk – TVNOVINY.sk

Slovakia is asking for sanctions against Russia and for material assistance for Ukraine.

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky personally telephoned President Zuzana Čaputová. “Zuzana, they are bombing us, many soldiers and civilians have died.” These were the first words Zelskysky said to Čaputová.

He asked Slovakia for support in the form of severe sanctions against Russia and for material assistance. “I assured him that the leadership of Ukraine and its people have a neighbor in us who they can rely on not only in good times, but also now, in times of extreme need. A neighbor who will help them cope with the most difficult situation the country may find itself in, “said Čaputová.

She added that she wanted peace, yet today Ukrainians are forced to defend their own lives and sovereignty from the aggressor.