MAP of attacks in Ukraine: Explosions also shook places only a hundred kilometers from the Slovak border –

Explosions can also be heard around Kiev.

Russia launched an attack on Ukraine on Thursday. Explosions can be heard around Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Mariupol or Kharkov.

According to the updated map of the attacks, there were explosions across the country. They shook not only the capital but also areas that are only a few tens of kilometers from the Slovak border.

For example, the city of Chyriv in the west of the country is separated from the Slovak Medzilaboriec by two hours by car and about 100 kilometers through Poland.

New map of attacks.

New map of attacks. Source:

Due to the aggression, the Ukrainians want to get from their country to Slovakia as soon as possible. Columns of cars from Ukraine can already be seen in front of the border. The editor of TV Markíza, Veronika Krempaská, is watching the situation on the spot. You can read more HERE.