We will disarm and denazify Ukraine, don’t interfere, Putin said – HNonline.sk

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that he was announcing an invasion of Ukraine that Moscow would seek its “Demilitarization and denazification”. He called on the Ukrainian army to lay down its arms. He also warned other states not to get involved in the conflict.

According to TASS, Putin has announced that, following a call from separatist “a special military operation“.

There is no occupation behind it

“Its aim is to protect people who have been subjected to bullying and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years, and to this end to work for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine and also to bring to justice those who have committed numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including Russian citizens. Federation, “ declared.

At the same time, Putin said that Moscow’s military goals did not include the occupation of Ukrainian territories. According to him, their possession is still part of the rights of the peoples of Ukraine to self-determination.

The Russian president also reiterated that Russia could not allow Kiev to acquire nuclear weapons, and recalled that NATO’s expansion to the east was unacceptable to him. That is, for Ukraine to become part of the Alliance.

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