Ukraine-Russia, from the EU “massive sanctions package against Moscow”

“Today we will present a massive package of sanctions” against Russia “to EU leaders for approval”. This was stated by the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, in Brussels, following the “unprecedented military aggression of Russia against Ukraine”. “Moscow must withdraw its armed forces and fully respect Ukraine’s territorial integrity. EU leaders will quickly discuss and adopt further restrictive measures against Russia. The EU is with Ukraine.” he adds – strategic sectors of the Russian economy, blocking access to markets and technologies that are fundamental for Russia “.” We will weaken – he continues – the basis of the Russian economy and its ability to modernize. We will freeze Russian assets in the EU and stop Russian banks from accessing European financial markets. In this we are closely aligned with the US, UK and Canada, but also with Japan and Australia. These sanctions – she concludes – are designed to have a heavy impact on the interests of the Kremlin and on its ability to wage war. “” This morning Russian troops invaded Ukraine, a free and sovereign country. Once again, in the center of Europe, innocent women, children, men die, or fear for their lives. We condemn this barbaric attack and the cynical arguments used to justify it “, emphasizes von der Leyen, according to whom” Vladimir Putin brings the war back to Europe. In these dark hours, the EU and her people stand with Ukraine and with the Ukrainian people “.