European Union imposes “massive and painful” sanctions on Russia –

The new package should be adopted lightly.

BRUSSELS. The European Union will impose on Mask new “massive and painful” sanctions, the president of the European Commission said in a statement on Thursday Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel, President of the European Council. The information was provided by the DPA news agency.

They will adopt further sanctions

EU leaders are due to meet in Brussels at 8pm for an extraordinary summit announced on Wednesday ahead of Russia’s president’s decision on Thursday Vladimir Putinthat will attack eastern Ukraine.

The European Union imposed the first round of sanctions on Russia on Wednesday after Putin recognized Ukraine’s separatist areas, Donetsk and Luhansk, as independent states on Monday.

Lightning fast adoption

Twenty-seven EU leaders will discuss “further restrictive measures in Brussels that will have massive and painful consequences for Russia’s actions, and leaders will coordinate them with their transatlantic partners,” Michel and von der Leyen said in a statement.

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This new package of sanctions will be adopted “in a flash”, both politicians added. The Union’s top officials have sharply condemned Russia’s “unprecedented military aggression” against Ukraine.

“With these unprovoked and unjustifiable military actions, Russia is grossly violating international law and undermining European and global security and stability,” added Michel and von der Leyen.