Russian former president Medvedev threatened Europe with gas shortages and rising prices –

According to him, a thousand cubic meters should soon cost two thousand euros.

BERLIN. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev criticized Germany’s decision to suspend the certification of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline on Tuesday following Monday’s recognition of separatist eastern Ukrainian regions by Moscow and the subsequent deployment of Russian troops to those territories.

Russian president Vladimir Putin noted that Mask despite a serious crisis in relations with the west and sanctions, it does not want to stop the supply of natural gas abroad. However, he did not say at what price.

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However, Medvedev, who was the head of the Kremlin in 2008-2012, indicated Russia’s retaliation in the form of price increases.

“Welcome to a bold new world, where Europeans will soon pay 2,000 euros per thousand cubic meters of natural gas,” said Medvedev, who is currently vice chairman of the State Security Council.