Reversal during Mikuláš’s dismissal: Not all coalition deputies will probably support the Minister of the Interior! Pčolinský shocked – Topky

“I would like to know if the Minister can name in which specific areas the ministry has moved forward. Where is the police reform that we have been hearing about for two years? to which I would like to know the answer, ” Pčolinský told reporters on Tuesday.

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Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel

He still does not know whether MEPs will get to the vote on Tuesday. He also informed Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OĽaNO) and the head of OĽaNO and Deputy Prime Minister Igor Matovič about his position. Pčolinský thinks that the vast majority of deputies We Are a Family will abstain.

The debate on the proposal to remove Mikulc from the post of minister continues in parliament on Tuesday. The extraordinary talks were initiated by the opposition led by Smer-SD. The meeting opened on Friday (18 February). According to Robert Fico, chairman of Smer-SD, Mikulec managed the activities of the accused investigators of the National Criminal Agency (NAKA), so he demands his departure.

Behind the speaker’s speech, Blanar read from the resolution

The Deputy Chairman of the National Council (NR) of the Slovak Republic Juraj Blanár (Smer-SD) in the plenary of the National Council of the Slovak Republic read from the resolution of the General Prosecutor’s Office (GP) SR in the criminal case of the indicted group of investigators He did so during the discussion on the proposal to dismiss the Minister of the Interior Roman Mikulec (OĽANO). He criticized the non-participation of members of the government in parliament.

Among other things, Blanár objected to the speech of the Minister of Finance Igor Matovič (OĽANO) on Friday (February 18), who presented the government’s position. He claims that he was afraid of the reactions in the factual remarks, so he wanted to misuse the commission to present the government’s opinion to present his opinion. He also criticized the speech of the head of the Ministry of Justice, Mária Kolíková. “The Minister of Justice has come to defend injustice. This is the business card of justice in Slovakia,” Blanár pointed out that Kolíková wanted to treat the coalition after most of the reform of the court map had not passed.

He also criticized the position of the president, who reacted after the indictment of the investigators, even though it was a living matter, and conversely, after the opposition’s call and questions to the opinion of the Prosecutor General’s Office, she told the opposition not to meet on living matters.

Richard Takáč, vice-chairman of Smer-SD, pointed out that after all the suspicions about the current situation in the police, Mikulec should have resigned a long time ago. Takáč spoke mainly about the enforcement of statements in various cases and other practices of NAKA investigators.

The Speaker of the Parliament, Boris Kollár (We Are a Family), announced that he would convene a parliamentary board at 2 p.m. The leader of Smer-SD, Robert Fico, wants them to deal with the condemnation of Matovič’s statement to Blanár. He also suggested that Matovic apologize to the deputy speaker of parliament for his words on Friday.