Former member of the Judicial Council calls on Kolíková not to deceive the public: False words about the number of judges –

“She has repeatedly said in the media and in the parliament that I also claim that there are enough judges, or I should have said that there is a presumption that there will be no more. stressed Kosovo.

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A judge of the Bratislava Regional Court claims that in January 2021 she appealed to the Minister to complete the Weighing Cases project before creating a court map. “Without this project, we cannot determine whether there are few, many or enough judges. We do not know whether we need to recruit new judges and how many, or enough, it will be enough to recruit a significant professional staff that relieves judges from administrative work, thus speeding up and streamlining justice. , “ Kosovo said.

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Source: TASR / Jakub Kotian

The head of the Ministry of Justice, Kolíková, said on Sunday in the TA3 discussion program that she stated that the number of judges in the courts was sufficient and that, given the declining number of cases coming to the courts, it was assumed that fewer would be needed. “Finally, I didn’t say that, said a former member of the Judicial Council who is not entirely in line with my views and cannot say she needs to push me.” the minister announced in a television discussion.