LIVE. Interventions by firefighters, high winds… storm Eunice arrives in Seine-Maritime – 76actu

Wind gusts of more than 110 km / h inland and 120 km / h on the coast are expected in Seine-Maritime due to storm Eunice, Friday February 18, 2022. (©DR)

Due to eunice storm which is falling on the North-West of France this week, Météo France has placed Seine-Maritime on orange vigilance for violent wind and waves-submersion, and in yellow vigilance for a risk of flood of the Seine, Friday, February 18, 2022.

“Gusts of more than 110 km / h inland and 120 km / h on the coast” are expected during the day, warns the Rouen Normandy Metropolis.

• Follow the situation live:

3:12 p.m. Accident on the Normandy bridge: a lying truck. Our dedicated article below.

2:55 p.m. Here is the detail of the maximum gust measurements by city at 2:30 p.m.

Videos: currently on Actu

2:48 p.m. In the Metropolis of Le Havre, because of the strong wind, the recycling centers are closed to the public this afternoon.

2:39 p.m. In Rouen, the level of the Seine rises. Floods are possible, according to Vigicrues, which announces a high level especially around 4 p.m.

2:03 p.m. A gust of 133 km/h was recorded in Fécamp, 117 km/h at Cap de la Hève…

2 p.m. According to the Department of Seine-Maritime which manages it, the Quillebeuf ferry is at a standstill. No other closure of the ferries is currently relevant: “We are adjusting to the coefficients of the tide and the position of the winds. If the winds increase with the tide, we may have to stop Duclair’s line. »

1:37 p.m. In Le Havre, the sea is still very rough, as evidenced by numerous videos posted on social networks. Be careful !

1:08 p.m. For the record, as of now, many Seine-Maritime trains in particular no longer run, because of the wind.

12:58 p.m. The sea is getting rougher and rougher in Le Havre…

12:37 p.m. Based in Rouen, the Gruss circus announces that the performance originally scheduled for 3 p.m. will be canceled due to high winds. And to add: “For the moment, the 7:30 p.m. session is maintained. »

12:34 p.m. The HAC footballers trained despite the strong gusts of wind. On the club’s Twitter account, a video has been posted, listen to it with sound, you will hear the storm.

12:23 p.m. Winds at 104 km/h were measured in Rouen, according to the Infoclimat association on Twitter. The Boos weather station announces a gust of 103.7 km/h.

12:21 p.m. The firefighters of Seine-Maritime report at noon of two interventions in connection with the storm, for objects threatening to fall or fallen to the ground.

12:17 p.m. In Le Havre, the sea, which is high at this hour, is very rough, because of the very strong wind.

12:09 p.m. Firefighters call for vigilance in the face of rising winds.

11:50 a.m. In Rouen, it is already blowing very hard on the banks of the Seine, as evidenced by this video taken by our journalist Fabien Massin:

11:26 a.m. In Rouen, the Jardin des Plantes and that of the Hôtel-de-Ville are closed all day, as well as the squares and cemeteries, says the communication department of the Metropolis.

11:23 a.m. The parks under the responsibility of the Rouen Normandy Metropolis are closed all day, indicates the communication department of the Metropolis, “with caution for tomorrow depending on the damage”.

11:18 a.m. The wind is already blowing very hard, especially in Caudebec-lès-Elbeuf, as evidenced by this video that the mayor of the town Laurent Bonnaterre posted on his Twitter account.

11:16 a.m. In Rouen, the Calypso river shuttle will no longer run from 2:30 p.m., announces the Tip network. Also, spectators of tonight’s hockey game on Île Lacroix will not be able to go to the ice rink. via this one.

11:05 a.m. Installed on the quays in Rouen, the Gruss circus announces on its Twitter account that “for the moment, the sessions of the day are maintained”.

11:00. Access to visitors to the Parc des Bruyères, Parc des Brûlins and Château Robert le Diable will be closed this Friday, announces the Métropole de Rouen.

Several trains interrupted

In addition, the SNCF announced the interruption of train traffic, from 12 noon, on several Norman axes including Rouen-Dieppe, Rouen-Serqueux-Gisors and Rouen-Le Havre.

“Scout trains are planned to pass once the lull in order to visualize the extent of the damage, 110 SNCF Réseau agents are mobilized, communicates the institution. The resumption of traffic will depend on the impacts of the storm on the tracks. Travelers are strongly advised to postpone their trip to Saturday February 19, the estimated date for the resumption of traffic.

In Le Havre, the City issued an order, Wednesday February 16, 2022, for temporarily prohibit access and parking on the North dike. It will remain in effect until the end of the week.

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