Šeliga: Kolíková and SaS tried to push the court map by force and collided – SME.sk

Feb 18, 2022 at 11:37 am I Updated at 13:01

The Member abstained.

BRATISLAVA. Minister of Justice Mária Kolíková (nom. SaS) and page Freedom and Solidarity they tried to push the reform of the judicial map by force and collided.

The non-attached Member said so Juraj Šeliga (For the People) at today’s press conference in response to the fact that the parliament on Thursday did not approve in the first reading two government amendments to the laws on the establishment of municipal courts in Bratislava and Košice.

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Scheliga abstained. The deputy emphasized that the head of the Ministry of Justice, Mária Kolíková, had not discussed with the deputies about the proposals for a new court map.

“If someone calls you 15 minutes before the vote, it is not a meeting. When someone rejects your arguments for a long time, it is not a negotiation, “Šeliga emphasized.

Related article Pin fell, MPs approved a fraction of the court map Read

During the press conference, the Member also admitted that he had made a mistake in not commenting strongly enough on the submitted proposals for the reform of the judicial map. He added that he participated in expert meetings and coalition councils, where he spoke of his reservations. However, according to him, he explained the risks and reservations about the submitted proposals of Minister Kolíková not vigorously enough.

The key reservation of the Šeliga on the establishment of municipal courts in Bratislava and Košice is that the merging of 140 judges under one management can be dangerous.

“The risk is that if you concentrate too many people under one roof and give them guidance, you will not break corruption ties. On the contrary, you can create even more of them, “he said, adding that what it would look like to have such a large number of judges Stefan Harabin.

According to Sheliga, the minister gave the impression that when she pushed through the buildings, it was “a panacea and a magic wand that would speed up the proceedings.” He emphasized that whether the court is located in Dolný Kubín or Liptovský Mikuláš does not affect how quickly the court decides.

“We are saying that we are addressing procedural regulations, speeding up electronics, improving management, strengthening the judiciary in terms of personnel,” added Šeliga, who considers it dangerous when one minister replaces the entire judiciary in Slovakia.

In conclusion, Sheliga said that page For people is ready to negotiate further reform, provided it is fair.

In response, the Minister of Justice said that Shelel was lying if she was talking about negotiations on the court map, as she said it had been going on for several months.

“I have never heard a reservation to the city courts. It is not true that I would not be interested in negotiating with the People’s Party, but I repeat, there were no reservations to the city courts at those meetings, only two smaller ones, to which I responded with an amendment. I didn’t get an answer to that then, “Kolíková explained at today’s press conference.

He thinks that Shelig lacks experience and knowledge, on the basis of which he did not react to the drafts of the court map. However, it is ready to continue discussing this topic.