OM – Karabagh: Ménès pushes a vibrant rant in favor of Mandanda – Goal! soccer club

Zapping Goal! soccer club OM: the list of humiliations in the Coupe de France

If the meeting OM – Karabakh (3-1) in the Europa League Conference did not fascinate many people with the exception of the Marseillais, it nevertheless prompted Pierre Ménès to come out of his reserve on a subject that is close to his heart: the Steve Mandanda case.

Ménès does not understand Sampaoli’s attitude with Mandanda

Ironically on the fact that OM took this match against the Azeris as a “third zone” match with an A’ team, the consultant expressed regret on his blog to see the Fenomeno from Marseille appear in this one.

“Which made everyone see that Mandanda was still a great goalkeeper. Without questioning the excellent level of Lopez, it is not good to do that to a goalkeeper of this level and a legend of the club moreover. A club which could have offered the possibility to the world champion to be able to play one last season in another club. And hey, I’m not sure that the Marseille season would be less good if Steve had played all the matches because he confirmed in this match all the good things I’ve thought of him for so many years. To be honest with you, it pains me a little to see him today reduced to playing the matches that neither Sampaoli nor the club consider important, ”wrote Ménès on his blog.

Menes defends Mandanda

Pierre Ménès took advantage of Steve Mandanda’s good match at OM – Karabagh (3-1) to denounce a benching that he considers abnormal… And support the World Champion, reduced to playing “third” matches zone” at 36 years old…