A tragic accident in Bratislava. The man was lying near the track, he was hit by a tram TVNOVINY.sk – TVNOVINY.sk

Vodička could not prevent a collision with a man for a short distance.

The tram on Thursday evening (February 17) in Bratislava collided with a man who did not survive the accident. The circumstances of the accident are being investigated by the police. Silvia Šimková, a spokeswoman for the Regional Directorate of the Police Force in Bratislava, informed about it.

“According to the information obtained so far, while passing between the Magnetová and Jurajov Dvor stops, the tram driver should have spotted a man in dark clothes at the track, who was lying near him and leaning on the track from the outside,” describes Šimková.

According to her, the tram driver should immediately brake and use a warning sign. However, she could not prevent a collision with a man for a short distance.

The police performed a breath test on the tram boat, which ended in a negative result. “Authorized member of the District Directorate of the Police Force Bratislava III. he started criminal prosecution in the matter of death, “said Šimková.