LIVE Extraordinary meeting to appeal Mikulec: Dispute between Matovic and Blanar! You should keep your mouth shut and step – Topky

Smer submitted a motion to remove Mikulec from the position of Minister of the Interior on Monday. In addition to the members of the Smer party, non-attached deputies from the non-parliamentary vote or deputies around Tomáš Tarab also signed the proposal. Fico called Mikulca a crook who is suspected of corruption and abuse of power by a public official.

LIVE An extraordinary meeting begins

11:00 “The same people that the previous government celebrated are being blamed today.” said Mikulec. “No one told them as before what can and can’t do. As a minister, I said from the beginning that the police would have their hands open,” he added.

10:55 The Minister of the Interior, Roman Mikulec, has the floor. He denies all accusations by the opposition. “I say no, I did not influence any NAKA investigators,” said Mikulec.

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Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

10:37 16 Members are registered for the debate. It seems that the meeting will continue on Tuesday. Everyone reacts relatively calmly, only the member of the non-parliamentary Republic Milan Mazurek shouts again.

10:30 “Even though we look like a shaken goat three hours after giving birth, we can handle it. Because the goat is aging,” said Matovic. His speech is over, 11 Members are responding with a factual remark.

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10:20 According to Matovič, the direction made Slovakia a machine of corruption. “I was trying to find out if there was anyone in politics who had gold bricks at home, I didn’t find such an example.” he said. “Do you have a god with you, preach morality, moralize?” Matovic Fica asks.

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10:11 Before the debate, the Minister of Finance Igor Matovič, followed by the Minister of the Interior Roman Mikulec, and then the debate follows.

10:09 Blanar consulted with Speaker of the Parliament Boris Kollár that the Rules of Procedure had been violated. Kollár agreed, the meeting continuing the debate.

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10:03 Juraj Blanár interrupted Matovič’s speech, saying that if it was not the official position of the government, he had to take his word for it. He may express his views in a debate. Matovic disagreed, saying it was his position after the government’s position was presented. “You’re part of a corrupt system. You should keep your mouth shut and you should give me space to speak. Don’t interrupt me just because you don’t like what I’m saying.” said Matovic. Blanar adjourned the meeting for 5 minutes.

10:02 “The government is convinced that Minister Mikulec has not done anything wrong,” said Matovic. He added that the government sees no reason to dismiss the interior minister. “It’s a characterless and vile attempt to restore our people’s system,” Matovič introduced in plenary.

10:00 “I know imagine you walking and pocketing a hundred people to come to the protests,” he said, and Smer and Hlas called it a corrupt gang.

9:57 After reading the official opinion, Matovič responds with a few words. “Let me respond to the words of the disaster of Slovakia,” said Matovic. “You created a system that someone could easily kill a journalist just because he wrote articles about him. You created a system where the law did not rule, but your feelings and godliness.” stated. “Because you thought you were a state,” he reacted to the words about Lučanský and as a counter-question he asked why Ján Kuciak and Martina Kušnírová had to die.

9:54 “The government sees the appeal as an attempt to destabilize the Interior Ministry and the police force,” said Matovic.

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9:40 Minister of Finance Igor Matovič presents the opinion on behalf of the government. “The Government of the Slovak Republic expresses its astonishment at how the proposers clearly know about the guilt or innocence of the accused of corruption cases,” said Matovic. “It’s shocking that people who have been part of our people’s system for years come up with such a proposal.”

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Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

9:38 “Because of whom Lučanský died? Because of you!” screams Fico. Coalition MPs began to shout and defend themselves. “Don’t shout! You’ll be there when you’re here,” stated. Members were alerted by the Vice-President of Parliament, who was chairing the sitting.

9:36 “We are sorry that President Čaputová was the first to confirm the accused Čurilla and co. She was the first to stand up and start defending them.” Fico said, saying that in response to being asked to meet, she said she would not go into living things. “She has known everything since May 10, 2021. She knew what crimes were being committed,” stated.

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Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

9:24 Fico speaks of an “organized group” whose task was to “shut down the entire opposition.”

9:20 According to Fico, Roman Mikulec managed the activities of the accused investigators of the National Criminal Agency (NAKA). The head of Smer claims that the minister not only knew, but also directed the investigators who committed the crime of sabotage, abuse of power by a public official, and obstruction of justice.

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Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

9:17 “This meeting is not about the Minister of the Interior, he is irrelevant.” said Fico. “Mikulec is just an instrument of what we want to tell the Slovak public and what a huge scandal we have here,” he said.

9:05 According to Fico, the scandal has two dimensions. According to him, the government is abusing criminal law and the media are ignoring injustices against the opposition.

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Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

9:02 Robert Fico, as an authorized member of the petitioners, will present the motion to dismiss the Minister of the Interior, Roman Mikulec. Parliament’s Vice-President Milan Laurenčík has called on Members several times to calm down. “The governing coalition has lost any degree of dignity,” Fico said in the introduction, referring to Sulík’s statement about the We Are Family movement. He wants to justify his proposal first in general, then in particular.

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Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

8:55 An extraordinary meeting should begin in a few minutes, at which the Minister of the Interior, Roman Mikulec, should be recalled. The meeting was postponed to Friday morning, originally scheduled to begin on Thursday afternoon.

8:53 If the meeting opens, Friday’s meeting should last until 2.00 pm, as usual, according to the head of parliament Boris Kollár. If the motion of censure on the minister is discussed by then, it should also be put to the vote. If not, the meeting will not continue until Tuesday, 22 February.

8:52 The Minister of the Interior has already faced appeals. Deputies held him last September. 52 deputies voted for his dismissal. Even then, the opposition Smer, according to which it fails to manage its ministry, submitted a proposal for its dismissal. At that time, 69 of the 136 deputies present voted in favor of the vote. Miriam Šuteková (For the People) abstained from the coalition deputies, and the only deputy, Martin Borguľa, expressed support for Minister Mikulec from Sme Rodina. The others either did not vote or were not present.

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Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel

8:45 Members of parliament with COVID may be present in parliament and carry out their constitutional duties, but must wear a respirator and gloves. They will vote from the balcony in the Chamber, which the media will not have access to at the time. The Speaker of the Parliament, Boris Kollár, informed about it after the meeting of the Parliamentary Board.

Extraordinary meeting

An extraordinary parliamentary session at which the interior minister should face an appeal was convened on Thursday afternoon. It was convened by Speaker of Parliament Boris Kollár. According to Fico, Mikulec managed the activities of the accused investigators of the National Criminal Agency (NAKA). The party’s chief claims that the minister not only knew but also directed investigators who “committed the crime of sabotage, abuse of power by a public official, obstruction of justice.” He speaks of an “organized group” whose task was to “shut down the entire opposition.”

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Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel

Hysterical attempt to restore the system of “our people”

The government does not agree with the proposal of a group of members of parliament to express no confidence in the Minister of the Interior, Mikuláš. He sees no relevant reason for his appeal. She declared to the Minister full support for his reform plans. He considers the intentions of the petitioners to be a characterless, vicious and hysterical attempt to return to the system of “our people”, an absolute non-investigation of corruption and influencing all corners of the state.

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Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel

“The Minister of the Interior, Roman Mikulec, did not give up his position, on the contrary – he guarantees the members of the Police Corps non-interference and freedom in the performance of their work. , “ the government declared.

Any facts are missing

The Cabinet questions the reasoning of the proposal, which is the informal communication of NAKA investigators. According to the government, the petitioners rely on the decision of the General Prosecutor’s Office, which they interpret in their own way. “When presenting excerpts at press conferences, we can say that they lack any adherence to the facts, they run to their own assumptions and often even pious wishes,” the cabinet noted.

He also pointed to the decision of the Regional Court in Bratislava, which also examined the justification of the criminal prosecution of the accused investigators and ruled out that the accused would invent the act under investigation. The government also expressed surprise that “with what conviction do the petitioners know about the innocence or guilt of the accused in all other corruption cases”. He finds it astonishing that Members who have been part of the so-called of our people.

He also considers the part of the reasoning, which refers to the alleged suspicion of demanding a bribe, to be absurd, given the valid substantive decision that the act did not occur. According to the government, the investigator of the Office of the Inspection Service, Diana Santusová, is being abused for political purposes and to provide incomplete information about her completion of the printing house. The government considers the “fabricated reasoning of a group of deputies” to be grotesque, according to which the Minister of the Interior coordinated the detention of Vladimír Pčolinský on political instructions. He talks about misinformation and conspiracies.

LIVE Extraordinary meeting to appeal Mikulec: Dispute between Matovic and Blanar! You should keep your mouth shut and keep up