Presidential 2022: Fabien Roussel and Jean Lassalle in turn obtain the 500 necessary sponsorships p – franceinfo

Yannick Jadot has 490 sponsorships, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan 379 and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, 370. Marine Le Pen now has 366, while Eric Zemmour has 291.

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And two more ! Fabien Roussel and Jean Lassalle passed, Thursday, February 17, the milestone of 500 sponsorships essential to compete in the presidential election, we learned after the publication of a new count by the Constitutional Council. Valérie Pécresse, Emmanuel Macron, Anne Hidalgo and Nathalie Arthaud had already passed this milestone.

>> Sponsorships for the 2022 presidential election: find out where the candidates are in the race for 500 signatures

Fabien Roussel has 529 sponsorships, while Jean Lassalle, who is running for the second time in this election, has collected 503 signatures from elected officials. Nathalie Arthaud has 529 sponsorships, Anne Hidalgo 1,074, Emmanuel Macron 1,345 and Valérie Pécresse 1,945.

Yannick Jadot has 490 sponsorships, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan 379 and Jean-Luc Mélenchon 370. Marine Le Pen now has 366, while Eric Zemmour has 291.

Next come François Asselineau (217), Philippe Poutou (199) and Anasse Kazib (122). More struggling, Christiane Taubira collected 86 signatures from elected officials, 13 more than on Tuesday. More unusual: the former president François Hollande has a sponsorship, just like the humorist of France Inter Guillaume Meurice.