According to Sulík, we are a family that is completely useless in the coalition: Blanár called on Kolíková to resign –

“Once again, I ask myself the question of what we are a family in a coalition, because it is practically completely useless here,” Sulík announced at a press conference. According to him, Kollár had “wonderful” reasons not to support the reform. According to Sulík, his arguments were “practically non-existent”. He also said that SaS would not leave the coalition.

“Unfortunately, I have to say that today the coalition has lost its meaning in this matter for six months. After many months of negotiations, Mária Kolíková submitted a court map to the National Council and it has largely failed. The coalition is saying that we calls for a government program statement, but our coalition partners seem to have forgotten this, “ declared Sulík.

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Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel

According to Sulík, Remišová is in the habit of supporting good things and she thinks that so far she could be counted on for people. “But tonight, Veronika Remišová’s pity won.” said the head of SaS. The head of the SaS parliamentary group, Anna Zemanová, asks if the coalition still makes sense. According to her, the deputies for the SaS are deeply disappointed by the vote of some coalition deputies. “They seem to have traded personal animosities for reform,” she added. She thinks that the Minister of Justice, Mária Kolíková, has sufficiently explained the spreading fears and untruths. At the same time, she thanked the deputies OĽANO and the non-attached deputies Tomáš Valášek and Miroslav Kollár for their support.

Blanar called on Kolikova to resign

There was a debate in parliament on Thursday afternoon on the reform of the judicial map. In the morning’s vote, deputies moved the government’s bill to the second reading in connection with the new seats and districts of the district courts.

This proposal envisages the abolition of four district courts. There is to be a geographical increase in the districts of the district courts and some of the settlement courts are to become workplaces. The bill in connection with the new seats and districts of the regional courts did not pass the second reading in the morning. The Minister of Justice, Mária Kolíková, proposed that their headquarters be the new Trnava for the West Slovakian District, Žilina for the Central Slovakian District and Prešov for the East Slovakian District. The vote on this proposal was tight and one vote was missing to move the law to second reading.

Minister Mária Kolíková pred

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Minister Mária Kolíková before the government meeting
Source: Topky / Maarty

Before the vote on the establishment of municipal courts in Bratislava and Košice, the Minister asked for the discussion to be opened. In it, she asked deputies for support. The President of the National Council (NR) of the Slovak Republic Boris Kollár (We are a family) reacted that the judges do not want to disrupt the courts.

In the afternoon debate, the Deputy Chairman of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Juraj Blanár (Smer-SD) called on the Minister to resign. According to him, the reason is that he does not have the confidence of this coalition. He added that in a year and a half she could not even convince the coalition and aroused distrust between the individual courts and their employees.

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The reform of the judicial map itself, as well as the part of it that did not pass the second reading of the National Council (NR) of the Slovak Republic, still has a chance. This was announced by the Minister of Justice Mária Kolíková. She said she would do anything about it, as some of the binding milestones for the recovery plan were to be part of the reform. SaS leader and Economy Minister Richard Sulik emphasized that the minister was not leaving office because she was doing her best for reform.

Pinova wants to get coalition partners “back on board” to even complete the reform. She indicated that there was room for amendment, as one of the four reform proposals in plenary passed on Thursday. She admitted that the deadlines from the recovery plan are in jeopardy and if they are met, it will be “on the go”. According to her, April will be the red line.

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Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel

In particular, the Minister does not understand the position of the For People party and its deputies. She claims that so far they have not been told their reservations about the establishment of municipal courts in Bratislava and Košice. “I don’t know, I don’t understand. I came to all the meetings, I still didn’t know that the People’s Party would not support the reform of the judiciary.” she noted. He considers this to be disappointing, as she also participated in the creation of the For People program, and although she humanly understands the complexity of cooperation after she left them for the SaS, she does not understand their position politically.

Kolíková from SaS and OĽANO felt strong support. “The coalition, which had the ambition to reform the judiciary so that justice was available to everyone, today showed in a clear light that this ambition is empty. It is only sincere from two sides – SaS and OĽANO,” said Kolíková.

Juraj Šeliga, the party’s vice-president, considers it controversial to put 140 judges under one roof and elect one leadership. He pointed out the shortcomings of the management of large teams of judges, he sees this as a bigger problem than in specialization. He also objects to the redistribution of funds from the renovation plan for buildings in the two cities. “We are creating districts that are in the order of about 100,000 inhabitants, there would be a mega court with a population of over 600,000, not to mention the number of companies.” he added that he communicated the reservations in the coalition and supported the milestones. According to his own coalition colleagues, he will abstain in advance. He also sees room in the second reading in the Act on the Reorganization of District Courts in the courts in Bratislava and Košice.

Remišová also commented on the whole matter

Remišová noted on the social network that she is “absurd, to be persuaded and persuaded by Richard Sulík for his own failures to promote unfinished and uncommunicated reform. We have repeatedly warned him that there are serious technical reservations about the reform and that communication and consensus is needed, which he personally ignored. focus, especially after years of demanding, personal and exhausting commitment to the fight against corruption, for which I earned attacks and discrediting campaigns from Smer and various crooks is outrageous. measures such as the amendment of section 363 or the reform of the prosecutor’s office, without which a revival of the judiciary is unthinkable. “

As she added, “It was Richard Sulík who lobbied for Mr. Žilinka and most of the SAS parliamentary group voted for Mr. Žilinka. And now that it’s too late they wash their hands. Nevertheless, I have never publicly questioned the intentions and reliability of my partners. Our party will always support meaningful and sensible reforms. “partners and the Minister of Justice knew in advance and which we have repeatedly presented to the public. Despite this episode, we will continue to negotiate, because the aim is to result in a real reform that will establish a fair system for all in Slovakia.”

According to Sulík, we are a family that is completely useless in the coalition: Blanár called on Kolíková to resign