Ségolène Royal tackles Anne Hidalgo and judges that Mélenchon is “the useful vote on the left” – The HuffPost

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The former minister believes that “the initial fault is the direction of the PS which commits it by not organizing a primary”.

POLITICS – The former presidential candidate has her opinion on the presidential campaign on the left. Invited this Wednesday, February 16 on BFMTV, Ségolène Royal obviously did not have his tongue in his pocket concerning the current PS candidate for the 2022 presidential election.

“She has to take her responsibilities. In his place, I would stop”, declared Ségolène Royal about the campaign of thecurrent mayor of Pariscurrently battered in the polls and engaged in a campaign that is struggling to take off.

The former Minister of the Environment, however, seems to want more Socialist Party what his candidate has: “I find it sad and distressing for the left and for the socialists”, she declared, before adding: “the initial fault is the leadership of the PS who commits it in not organizing a primary”.

At the beginning of February, the former emblematic figure of the socialists had already shown reluctance facing the candidacy of Anne Hidalgo on the set of “Four truths” on France 2. She had also refused to say for whom she would vote: “There are 4 of them, let them meet and decide between them who will wear the colors of the collective, if they do not have this wisdom it will be a berezina”, she had predicted.

Mélenchon the “useful vote on the left”

On the other hand, Ségolène Royal did not lack compliments for the candidate of France Insoumise Jean-Luc Melenchon during his appearance on BFM this Wednesday. According to her, he is “the most solid” on the left for this presidential campaign because “he knows how to take the blows”. Ségolène Royal even believes that “the useful vote on the left is the Mélenchon vote”

She adds: “He is the one who does the best campaign professionally, who is cutting corners on what could displease him. […] who is able to answer the assembly of questions, who is structured, who is cultured and who has experience of a presidential campaign”.

On the other hand, not a word for Christiane Taubira, already dropped this Monday, February 14 by his own party. Guillaume Lacroix, president of the Radical Left Party had announced that his party was “withdrawing” from the candidacy of Christiane Taubirawhile specifying that there was “no break, no break” with the candidate.

See also on The HuffPost: Dati quips on the poll which gives Hidalgo at 1.5%