On Wednesday, the wind blows with the power of a hurricane: The SHMÚ’s highest warning applies! – NEW TIME

In most parts of Slovakia, it can blow sharply on Thursday (February 17), with exceptionally strong winds to be expected in the mountains.

This is pointed out by the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMÚ), which issued first- to third-level warnings. He informs about it on his website. Snow tongues and snowdrifts may continue to form in some northern districts. The passage of the cold front can exceptionally be accompanied by storms.

Third-degree wind warnings in the mountains applies to the districts of Tvrdošín, Ružomberok, Liptovský Mikuláš, Poprad, Banská Bystrica and Brezno. According to meteorologists, the wind can reach speeds of 110 to 130 kilometers per hour on average, at impacts of 160 to 180 kilometers per hour, which represents a “mighty storm to hurricane”.

Second level warnings apply provisionally for the districts of Námestovo, Dolný Kubín, Žilina, Martin and Turčianske Teplice. The wind speed can reach 135 to 160 kilometers per hour in gusts, on average the wind on the mountain ridges can reach 90 to 105 kilometers per hour, which is a “strong to powerful storm.”

A stronger wind in the mountains should be expected in some northern districts of western Slovakia, but also in central Slovakia and in the east of the country, where first degree warnings apply. The wind can reach speeds of 110 to 135 kilometers per hour in gusts, on average its speed on the ridges of the mountains can be around 75 kilometers per hour, which is a storm.

Most of western Slovakia will not avoid stronger windsfor which second level warnings apply. The wind can reach an average speed of 60 to 70 kilometers per hour, in gusts of 85 to 105 kilometers per hour. It is also blowing more significantly in central Slovakia and the northern districts of eastern Slovakia. Meteorologists expect an average wind speed of 45 kilometers per hour, in gusts of 65 to 85 kilometers per hour.