Covid, Denmark against fake news: “Deaths and hospitalizations do not increase”

“Enough fake news. Denmark does not deny covid. It is not true that there is a surge in deaths and hospitalizations”. Denmark, one of the first countries to remove the restrictions linked to the pandemic, raises its voice and dismantles – one after the other – what it considers fake news related to the management of the covid in the country. “There is a lot of misinformation in relation to Denmark’s covid numbers. Danish subjects and they do not contribute to disinformation by disseminating this data on social media and the media in general”, reads the website of the Statens Serum Institut, a structure that deals with infectious diseases under the guidance of the Ministry of Health.

First ‘lie’: “A lot of people in Denmark are hospitalized”. “In the fifth week of 2022, 2,391 people were hospitalized for covid, compared to 296,360 positive swabs. Hospitalizations of covid-positive people have decreased since September 2021. The number of patients admitted for covid has decreased since July compared to people who have been hospitalized ‘with’ covid. In the fifth week of 2022, 60% of patients admitted for covid are hospitalized “, states the institute highlighting the difference:” A person hospitalized for covid enters the hospital because of covid. Patients with covid are patients who are not in hospital for covid and test positive for a swab “.” It is not correct “to state that” a lot of people in Denmark die from covid “. “In the last months of 2021, Denmark has seen a higher than expected number of deaths among the over 75 and attributable to the Delta variant. However, by the first week of 2022 mortality has decreased and is now starting at normal levels.” Denmark has also come to terms with the wave of infections linked to the Omicron variant, which is more transmissible and “causes a lower mortality”. This, explains the institute, is at the basis of an increased number of “people who die with covid and not from covid”. The surge in hospitalizations among children and young people has been denied. “Hospitalization rates for infants and children under the age of 2 are higher than those of older children and young people (3-19 years of age), but are still very low: in the fifth week, 1,399 hospitalizations of 44,286 children positive aged 0-2 years (3%) “. “Most” of these very young patients “arrived in the emergency room due to respiratory symptoms, but were sent home shortly thereafter, mostly within 12 hours of arrival, as the children were not deemed sick by the pediatricians. to the point of needing to be hospitalized for covid “. This picture is linked to the generically mild form of the disease that many children experience.It is not true that covid patients have been transferred to psychiatric wards due to a shortage of beds in intensive care. “Any patient in Denmark in need of ICU care is admitted to ICU. Thanks to the flexibility of the Danish hospital system, Denmark has had enough ICU beds at any one time during the pandemic, because other wards have been transformed into temporary intensive care, “it reads. The increase in covid hospitalizations in psychiatric wards is simply linked to the spread of the coronavirus, thanks to the Omicron variant, even among patients in the same wards.The criteria for admission to intensive care have never changed. The number of patients in the critical area has progressively decreased: from 73 patients in the last week of 2021 to 31 patients in the fifth week of 2022. The reason? The Omicron variant “dominant in Denmark causes milder disease than previous variants” and “a large proportion of the population is vaccinated”. For Denmark, the covid is gone? “Covid absolutely exists, but it is no longer considered ‘a critical infection to society’. Covid does not impact the same society and population as it did before in the pandemic. Most restrictions have been lifted, but the authorities Danes are perfectly aware of the existence of covid. Many thousands of people are still tested19 every day and the Danish authorities are following the situation in the country and abroad very closely. ” So, the latest fake news: “Denmark has decided that seriously ill people are not an important part of society.” “Every person – the institute states – is important in Denmark and anyone who became seriously ill was treated according to the best international standards during the pandemic. And they will continue to be treated. Covid is not considered the same threat to society as before. , because the Omicron variant in general causes milder disease than previous variants and a very high percentage of the Danish population has received the vaccine which largely protects against serious disease. “