Fico, Robert Kaliňák and Tibor Gašpar on torture in custody! –

Gašpar was accused in the Očistec case in November 2020. NAKA then took an extensive operation, during which they also detained NAKA ex-head Petr Hrašek, former director of the NAKA anti-corruption unit Róbert Krajmer and many others. Oligarch Norbert Bödör was also charged with them at the time, who, according to NAKA, was to lead the entire organized group. Gaspar was held in custody for a year, when he was released on November 4 last year.

In the Purgatory case, the former police president is accused of the crime of founding, conceiving and supporting a criminal group, the crime of abuse of power by a public official, the crime of bribery and a particularly serious crime of accepting a bribe. The prosecutor has already filed a charge in the case, so it is possible that the trial will begin soon.

See the briefing of Fico, Kaliňák and Gašpar on the topic – Torture, coercion and destruction of human lives are the working methods of these as investigators:

At the beginning, he took the floor of Fico, who mentioned the dismissal of the Minister of the Interior, Roman Mikulec: “We have a bad opinion of Mikulc.” Then the head of Smer devoted himself to President Zuzana Čaputová: “The president knows everything, otherwise she wouldn’t stand up for criminals like Curilla and the like.” Fico also mentioned how shocked he is from special prosecutor Daniel Lipšic. According to the former three-time prime minister, Lipšic illegally received a security check: “It simply came to our notice then. A legally convicted criminal who has done a lot of fraud has nothing to do. “

Fico says NAKA investigators were given a clear role in April 2020: “Make Direction a criminal organization. Gaspar was the victim. He was unlucky that he was working in the highest police position when Smer was in government. He did not commit any other crime. Everything is made up against him. Gaspar spent a year illegally in custody. “

Gašpar revealed how he lost a year in custody: “It was also a question for my family. There were also people in custody who had minor children and were detached from them. “ The police chief claims to be innocent. He is said to be acting biasedly and illegally. The processes are said to have even been manipulated: “I will make a brief recap of what I experienced. NAKA and Pavel Ďurek broke into my house during my detention. The indictment resolution was signed by Čurill. During the house tour, a puppet kept coming to see me. The case was supervised by Repa and Šúrek. I find myself in custody on the other side of the country. There was psychological pressure on me to admit what I didn’t do. I was denied contact with my family. This has now been pointed out in the Constitutional Court’s ruling. “

The police chief claims that he is being investigated by an organized criminal group. At the end of his speech, Gašpar spoke about his ambitions: “I’m going into public life.” But Gašpar claims that his priority will still be to defend him, then politics.

Kaliňák was the last to receive a microphone: “Slovakia lives outside the law.” According to the ex-minister, investigators do not follow the rules. According to him, most cases such as Purgatory, Storm and many others must return to the very beginning of the investigation. “Do you know the state in which the Prosecutor General’s Office has reasonable doubts that investigators are acting illegally?” Kaliňák asked, saying that how much evidence the public wanted to understand was that the cases were fabricated.

The former Minister of the Interior also commented on the dissolution of the Oblúk team, which accused NAKA investigators of influencing investigations. Team Oblúk was led by Investigator Santusová. “Do you know what they wrote in the resolution to cancel the team? We canceled the Arc team because we could not control it. Do you understand? They are so stupid that they admitted in their own resolution. “ Kaliňák said, adding that the Arch had been canceled in order to cancel the evidence against the NAKA.

“I feel like I’m in a public place every day. I repeat that I want to contribute to the public debate. “ said Gašpar, adding that he does not condition the entry into politics with any deadlines. But Fico recalled that he perceived Gaspar as innocent and that he would like to welcome him to politics as soon as possible: “The Constitutional Court ruled that he had been denied the right to family and personal life. It’s torture. If Gaspar says he wants to go into political life with us. It’s only a matter of time. I look forward to it.”

Current You can find PHOTO by Gašpar in our GALLERY

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