Between Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour, the far right is washing its dirty laundry in public – The HuffPost


From Marine Le Pen to Eric Zemmour, the far right is washing its dirty laundry in public

POLITICS – They loved each other so much … Since the candidate Eric Zemmour multiplies the spoils of war coming from the national rallyand at the same time moving the knife in the wound of rancor, the invectives fuse on the far right, in an atmosphere of open-air score settling. Latest psychodrama, the case Nicholas Bay.

Featured prominently in the list of elected RN suspected of preparing their raft to cross the Rubicon, the MEP is accused of “treason” by the general staff of the Lepenist party, which suspended him from his duties. “We knew from the start that Éric Zemmour’s teams had a mole in our house. Now we know it’s Nicolas Bay. He had access to all our chat loops, and therefore to strategic information”, accuses the HuffPost a senior RN official. “They lie, they have nothing. It was only in the ‘Argus RN’ loop. They make a story like ‘Tontons flingueurs’ with two bullets, saying that they left false information there, which would then have ended up at Zemmour. Oh yes? And which one, can we know?” laughs an ex-RN who worked for Reconquête!.

For his part, the elected Norman obviously denies any sabotage and threatens to file a defamation complaint. All this, live on BFMTV where the candidate’s running mate multiplies the speeches to say all the evil they think of the alleged felon. From Tuesday, February 15 in the morning, on the sidelines of a trip to Villers-Cotterêts in the Aisne, Marine Le Pen deplored in front of the press, without quoting him by name, the scenography set up by the camp of Éric Zemmour around the rally announced by Nicolas Bay: “That’s what I call the slug strategy, not only because the slug is slow, but also because it is sticky”. Atmosphere.

“Fanatical sect”

A spectacle quite far from the electoral concerns of the French which continues on Twitter, where the temptation is great to let go. “It is to believe that Marine Le Pen is capable of excluding her own cats from the RN. If they start purring in front of an interview with Zemmour”, quipped Nicolas Bay’s collaborator on the social network, when Damien Rieu, ex-communicator of the RN freshly recruited by Éric Zemmour accused his former party of turning to the “fanatical sect ”.

In the same vein, we have seen Stéphane Ravier’s collaborator deplore the maneuvers committed by the headquarters against the senator’s parliamentary attaché, in retaliation for his rallying to Éric Zemmour. “The careerist conspiracy could cause him to lose his job”, he was indignant on Twitter, not far from revealing the identity of “this MEP who was pleased to put her out of work”. At HuffPost, a former RN regional adviser who rallied to Éric Zemmour predicts weeks in the same tone. “It’s going to crack everywhere in the region”, he congratulates himself in advance.

At the National Rally, we regret the toxic turn taken by the campaign. “As we spend our time talking about illustrious strangers, like Stéphane Ravier or Nicolas Bay, we don’t talk about our candidate’s project. All his stories of betrayal interest no one, but they play the game of abstention and therefore, in the end, of Emmanuel Macron”, laments with the HuffPost Julien Odoul, spokesman for the RN, who admits that these departures skillfully orchestrated by the Zemmour camp “rotten the campaign” and “confirm that the goal is to lose Marine Le Pen, not to win the presidential election”.

”It will crack everywhere in the region”

According to the RN spokesperson, this psychodrama mainly affects activists “those who stick up posters and get up very early to go and distribute leaflets, they feel betrayed”. Hence the need for the National Rally to turn the page on the “traitors” as quickly as possible, in order to focus on Marine Le Pen’s third campaign. A pious wish that comes up against the method implemented at Éric Zemmour, where we take malicious pleasure in leafing through these rallies.

This Saturday, the candidate of Reconquest! will make a trip to Normandy where, by the greatest chance that is not, Nicolas Bay is elected. A new episode in the series of rallies which will not fail to feed the media machine and rekindle the tensions between the two camps. The bottom, once again, will fall by the wayside.

See also on The HuffPost: “Great replacement”, at her meeting, Valérie Pécresse is not her first time