Road hauliers continue to protest, blocking the motorway crossing near Kúty –

Feb 16, 2022 at 8:59 am I Updated at 13:17

Truckers continue to protest.

BRATISLAVA. The road hauliers interrupted their protest at the motorway border crossing with the Kúty-Brodská Czech Republic. According to them, the reason is the planned transfer of a military convoy from the Czech Republic to Slovakia.

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The Union of Road Carriers of Slovakia (UNAS) informs about this on the social network, but announces the blocking of other border crossings.

They plan to block more passages

The protesting truckers agreed with the police to suspend the protest at the border crossing in Kúty around midnight.

“As soon as the military convoy crosses the border safely, it will be blocked again, UNAS said.

The union also informed that they plan to block the border crossings of Šahy, Slovenské Ďarmoty, Trstená, Medveďov in the coming hours and are also thinking about Drietom and Milhosť.

“If the Ministry of Transport does not make a statement and does not invite us to the negotiating table, we will try to block the Čunovo-Rajka border crossing on Thursday,” Stanislav Skala from UNAS told TASR.

Related article Road hauliers go on strike, blocking several border crossings Read

In the meantime, the police warned the drivers that the Šahy-Parassapuszta border crossing was blocked for transit freight traffic from around 1.30 pm. Approximately ten trucks block both lanes for transiting freight traffic at the entrance and exit from the Slovak Republic.

The passage will be made possible for drivers transporting perishable goods or the transport of live animals, police said. The traffic of passenger motor vehicles is without restrictions.

In the town of Šahy, at the intersection of roads I / 66 and II / 527, a police patrol will divert truck traffic to road II / 527 to the Slovenské Ďarmoty / Balassagyarmat border crossing.

What are the requirements of truckers

From Monday to Tuesday evening, the carriers blocked part of Rožňavská Street in Bratislava, then moved to Kútov.

By protesting, they want to achieve that their requirements are met by the state, which includes a reduction in tolls and road tolls days about 30 percent. Due to the significant rise in prices, they also demand a reduction in taxes on motor fuels. They want to force their attention especially by limiting the routes along which the trucks move.

The police declare that they will monitor the situation with regard to road hauliers and will react operatively in the event of roadblocks as well as border crossings.

Matovic did not want to comment

Minister of Finance Igor Matovic (OĽANO) did not want to comment on the protest of road hauliers on Wednesday, despite the fact that their main requirements relate mainly to the scope of the Ministry of Finance and also to transport.

“Journalists have blamed me for commenting only on matters related to the Ministry of Finance,” he said during a government meeting. He referred the media representatives to the Ministry of Transport and the Minister of Transport, stating that the questions concerned this ministry.

In connection with the protest of the Union of Road Carriers, the Ministry of Finance stated on Monday that it regularly communicates with road hauliers, perceives problems and understands their requirements. That is why it has reduced the motor vehicle tax for trucks and buses or for all trailers and semi-trailers. The Ministry of Finance has set aside more than € 30 million for 2021 and over € 33 million for 2022.

“At the same time, we remind you that the state currently offers compensation schemes for entrepreneurs who find themselves in a bad financial situation due to the pandemic,” said the press department of the Ministry of Finance.

In response, the Ministry of Transport condemned on the fact that road hauliers made “hostages” of decent people by blocking traffic.
