The accused Gašpar spoke: In addition to Fico and Kaliňák, he informed about a possible entry into politics! – NEW TIME

The former police president, currently accused Tibor Gašpar, decided to enter the public space. He wants to contribute to the public professional discussion. He did not rule out entering politics.

He informed about it at a press conference with the participation of the chairman of the Smer-SD opposition party, Robert Fico, and former interior minister Robert Kaliňák.

As Gašpar informed, the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic stated in connection with his complaint that his rights had been violated, namely the right to respect for personal and family life and the right to an effective remedy.. During his detention, he said, he encountered pressure and denial of contact with his family.

Gašpar wants to offer his professional experience to the public. He wants to use them to start commenting “on such monstrosities on platforms better than the individual.” “It remains my priority to defend and purge my name,” he added.

According to Kaliňák, the decision of the Constitutional Court confirms that the Slovak criminal authorities do not respect the basic European principles to which the Slovak Republic has acceded. In 2020, a group of investigators, prosecutors and judges decided to ignore all regulations in Slovak and European legislation. “Today we are already confronted with more than 15 decisions of the Constitutional Court that Slovakia lives outside the constitution and outside the legal order,” claims.

According to Fico, the issue of the rule of law and dealing with “criminals at the National Criminal Agency and the Special Prosecutor’s Office” must be on the political agenda in the future. He perceives Gaspar as innocent. According to him, if he enters political life with Smer, he will get everything he needs. “Communication is going on here, but the process of complete cleansing must be completed first,” said Fico.