Russia announces end of military exercise in Crimea –

The exercise in Belarus continues on Wednesday.

MOSCOW. The command of the Southern Military District (JVO) of the Russian Armed Forces on Wednesday announced the end of the exercise in Crimea.

The TASS agency reported that the return of troops and equipment to the places of their permanent deployment began on Wednesday, either by road or rail.

Maneuvers in Belarus continue

After returning to the military units, maintenance and preparation of military equipment for the next stage of combat training will be carried out, the JVO command stated, stating that tactical maneuvers took place at 15 multifunctional training grounds.

According to the Interfax agency in the Brest region in Belarus near the border with Ukraine, the joint Russian-Belarusian military exercise Allied Commitment 2022 continued on Wednesday by practicing the “arrest” of the airspace of the Federal State of Russia and Belarus.

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Russia has also declared a partial withdrawal from Ukraine

The exercise takes place at a time of deep crisis in relations between Russia and Russia ONTO. The United States, other NATO members and Ukraine have been pointing for weeks to the concentration of Russian troops on Ukraine’s borders and the threat of a Russian invasion.

Mask he repeatedly claims that he does not plan aggressively towards Ukraine and that his troops and technology will return to their places of permanent deployment after the exercise.

On Tuesday, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that after completing the tasks arising from the exercise, it is withdrawing part of its troops from the Ukrainian border. The West has welcomed the move, but is also demanding the removal of the remaining troops and equipment.

In March 2014, Crimea became part of the Russian Federation on the basis of an internationally unrecognized referendum. Ukraine identifies Crimea and the pro-Russian self-proclaimed republics in Donbas as their temporarily occupied territories.