The relay has not gone so badly to the Olympics. Slovaks withdrew from the track –

Swedish biathletes won Wednesday’s relay for 4×6 km at the Olympic Games 2022 in Beijing.


Ivona Fialková (left) ran the Slovak relay.

Linn Persson, Mona Brorsson, Hanna Öbergová and Elvira Öbergová defeated the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) quartet in 12 seconds, and the Germans finished third with a deficit of 37.4 seconds.

They withdrew the Slovak relay from the track and classified it in the nineteenth place, when Veronika Machyniáková was overtaken by the best teams by one lap in the third section.

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The Swedes, as the biggest aspirants to win gold medals, have already established themselves in the third section, in the conclusion of which H. Öberg developed a slight lead over the Italians and Russians.

Her younger sister Elvira finished in Swedish colors and immediately started to break away from her rivals.

She also confirmed her running advantage at the shooting range, where she had to recharge only once while standing.

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She guarded the first place without any problems, the Russians held on to the medal position, but the Italians fell behind the Germans and Norwegians in the final section, which three-time Beijing champion Marte Olsbu Röiseland did not manage to pull higher in the final section.

The winner of the endurance race, Herrmann, defended the bronze for Germany.

Ivona Fialková started the Slovak relay and handed over the eighth with three recharges with an interval of less than 19 seconds.

Henrieta Horvátová needed five corrective shots and suffered a big loss on the track – she handed over sixteen with a shortage of more than three minutes.

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“I can’t be satisfied with my performance, I don’t remember such an explosion,” Horvátová admitted in her first television response to RTVS.

It was already bad and bad for the Slovaks, and when Machyniaková had to go to the two penalty areas after the bed, the fate of the relay was sealed.

The effort ended after the stand of the third section, the finisher Paulína Fialková did not even get on the track. Nineteenth place is the worst result of the Slovak women’s relay in the history of the Olympic Games, it was first run in Nagano in 1998.

1. Sweden (Linn Persson, Mona Brorsson, Hanna Öberg, Elvira Öberg) 1:11:03, 9 h (0 + 6), 2nd ROC (Irina Kazakevičová, Kristina Rezcovová, Svetlana Mironovová, Uliana Nigmatullinová) +12.0 s (1 + 7), 3. Germany (Vanessa Voigt, Vanessa Hinz, Franziska Preuss, Denise Herrmann) +37.4 (0 + 6), 4. Norway +50.7 (2 + 8), 5. Italy + 1: 33.1 min (0 + 5), 6. France +2: 13.0 (2 + 10), 7. Ukraine +3: 00.2 (1 + 6), 8. Czech Republic +3: 02, 1 (1 + 8), 9. Austria +4: 03.7 (3 + 7), 10. Canada +4: 30.4 (0 + 8),… 19. SLOVAKIA (Ivona FIALKOVÁ, Henrieta HORVÁTOVÁ, Veronika MACHYNIAKOVÁ , Paulína FIALKOVÁ) +1 round (2 + 12)