DIRECT. Crisis in Ukraine: Russia announces the end of military maneuvers and the departure of its forces from C… – Franceinfo

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10:43 am : The Kremlin denies any involvement in the cyberattacks in Ukraine which targeted several official military websites and two public banks yesterday. “Russia has nothing to do with any cyberattacks”swears the Russian presidency.

10:40 a.m. : “We have not seen any de-escalation on the ground at this stage. On the contrary, it appears that Russia continues to strengthen its military presence.”

Despite announcements of partial withdrawals from Moscow, NATO believes that “Russia can still invade Ukraine without warning”because “capacities are in place”with more than 100,000 soldiers deployed.

10:43 am : NATO accuses Russia of “strengthen its military presence” on the border with Ukraine.

10:11 a.m. : In the event of a Russian-Ukrainian conflict, could we do without Russian gas? “We are safe for this winter”said the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, after her services “examined the hypotheses of a partial or complete shutdown of Russian gas supplies”.

10:05 a.m. : “Not a single soldier, not a single piece of equipment will remain on the territory of Belarus after holding maneuvers with Russia.”

Minsk assures that Russian troops are not intended to remain massed on its border with Ukraine, while this deployment has contributed to fears of an invasion of Ukraine by Russia.


10:23 : Belarus ensures that “not a single soldier” Russia will only remain on its soil after the joint military exercises scheduled until Sunday.

09:01 : It’s 9 a.m., let’s take a look at the news:

• Sacred olympic slalom champion, the skier Clément Noël offered a fourth gold medal to the French delegation at the Winter Games in China. We are now following the ladies’ relay in biathlon, with the hope of a 14th podium for the tricolors. Follow our live.

• The obligation to wear a mask in business or at school could end “in mid-March”, declared the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, on this day of lifting of new restrictions in discos, bars, stadiums, cinemas and transport,

• The day after Moscow announced a “partial withdrawal” troops massed on the Ukrainian borders, Russia reported the departure of another part of its forces, which “completed their tactical exercises” in the annexed Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.

• Thanks to a last-minute feat from Kylian Mbappé, PSG have achieved a deserved success against Real Madrid (1-0), last night, in the round of 16 first leg of the Champions League. Argentinian Lionel Messi missed a penalty for the Parisians earlier.

08:17 : Why a “day of unity” today? The date was chosen in response to reports from US intelligence services which suggested in recent days that the Russian invasion of the country could begin on February 16.

08:15 : Meanwhile, Ukraine celebrates a “day of unity”. At the call of President Volodymyr Zelensky, the inhabitants are invited to hang their national flag or display its blue and yellow colors, as a sign of patriotism and refusal to “the panic” against threats of invasion.


08:18 : New gesture of appeasement from Moscow? Russia announces the departure of some of its forces which had gone to the annexed Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, where they “completed their tactical exercises”.

08:04 : “I think President Macron’s visit to Moscow marked the end of the escalation.”

On France Inter, the head of European diplomacy calls for “to remain vigilant” despite the announcement of the withdrawal of part of the Russian forces near the Ukrainian border. “Can we say that this is the beginning of the de-escalation? Yes, maybe, we have to see. Russia is playing with cold and hot.”

06:55 : While the caterpillar restarts in French boxes, the caterpillars of Russian tanks at the gates of Ukraine make Europe shiver. Some of your dailies devote their front page to “withdrawal partiel” announced by Moscow, welcomed with caution in the Western camp.

06:09 : Here are the first titles of this Wednesday, February 16:

• Thanks to the decline of the fifth wave, the government lifts new restrictions from today. It is possible to return to discotheques, to consume standing up in bars or to eat and drink in stadiums, cinemas and transport.

• Russian President Vladimir Putin has confirmed a “partial withdrawal” troops massed on the Ukrainian borders. It is “a first encouraging signal”greeted Emmanuel Macron, even if, according to the United States, “An invasion remains quite possible”.

• Nicolas Bay, spokesperson for Marine Le Pen’s campaign, has been suspended from his duties within the National Rally. The party accuses him of having transmitted confidential information to Eric Zemmoura “sabotage” disputed by the accused.

• Thanks to a last-minute feat from Kylian Mbappé, PSG have achieved a deserved success against Real Madrid (1-0), last night, in the round of 16 first leg of the Champions League. Argentinian Lionel Messi missed a penalty for the Parisians earlier.