Shocking VIDEO actor Domonkoš and his ex: Hysterical crying and … WANTED TO KILL ME! –

Only recently have they been proud of their great love and today everything is different! Michal Domonkoš and his former partner – fitness and blogger Iveta formed a beautiful couple. But all indications are that, although they seemed so on the outside, the reality was completely different.

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Source: TV Joj

The couple broke up in recent days. The sexy blonde did not spare Domonkoš in her statements and portrayed him in a not too flattering light. At the same time, she revealed that she ended up in the hands of doctors after the break-up, suffered from pain and had to undergo an examination by a neurologist.

Domonkoš did not want to comment too much on this information. In the end, however, he published an extensive statement on Instagram. It states, among other things: “After careful consideration, taking into account our different attitudes to important life issues, I have come to the conclusion that it is unfortunately appropriate to end our relationship. I am sorry that, despite the loving moments we spent together and the grief caused by the break-up, false facts are being published. ”

The moderator and dubbing actor is interested in protecting their reputation and want to provide the public with an objective opinion on the whole matter. It is clear from his words that Iveta sent him a text message the day after the break-up, from which he learned about her alleged complications and also about whether he intended to compensate her financially.

Shocking VIDEO actor Domonkoš

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Source: Instagram

Domonkoš published a video of the entrance in which he lives. He points out that his ex-partner was in good physical condition after the alleged assault and, with the help of an unknown man, moved out of the apartment.

“I am sorry for the situation. I wish her all the best and everyone can make an opinion on how the events took place, ” concluded Michal. He also released a video that he recorded on his phone during their last argument. “This is a business card of my partner. She has me in my left eye now. She wanted to kill me, she said. ” shocks by the statements in the video Domonkoš, who also pointed out that Iveta had common hysterical seizures.

VIDEO: Michal Domonkoš has decided to defend his good name. He also published an excerpt from their quarrel on Instagram.

Iveta again responded to the moderator’s statement and publication of the shocking video via Instagram.

Shocking VIDEO actor Domonkoš

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Source: Instagram

Shocking VIDEO actor Domonkoš and his ex: Hysterical crying and … WANTED TO KILL ME!