Ukraine-Russia crisis, conversation between Biden and Putin. Europe empties embassies

Ukraine-Russia crisis, diplomatic efforts continue. Yesterday a phone call lasting over an hour between US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin. An interview that did not lead to a change of scenery, however. Meanwhile Italy, like many other European countries, are emptying embassies in Ukraine. Read also BIDEN-PUTIN TELEPHONE CALL A ” professional and substantial ” conversation between American President Biden and Russian President Putin. But, in fact, “there has been no fundamental change in the dynamic that has been going on for several weeks now,” a senior US official told reporters at the end of the call. “The two presidents agreed that our teams will remain busy in the next few days”, but “Russia could still decide to proceed with military action. Indeed, this remains a clear possibility”. The United States, continued the official cited by CNN, remain “committed to keeping alive the prospect of a reduction in escalation through diplomacy”. At the same time, however, we remain with “our eyes open” and see clearly what “Russia is doing on the field, right in front of our eyes.” “We are ready for whatever happens,” said the American president. Biden in a tweet, relaunched by the US State Department. “We continue to urge diplomacy as the best way to move forward,” the president said, adding: “But with Russia continuing to strengthen its forces around Ukraine, we are ready, whatever happens.” In his conversation with Putin, Biden said that “the United States and our allies will quickly impose a high cost on Russia” in the event of an invasion. And he urged President Putin to engage in escalation reduction and diplomacy. ” The US president, the White House note continues, also ” reiterated that a further Russian invasion of Ukraine would produce great human suffering and damage Russia’s position ”. And “it was clear with Putin that the United States is ready for all scenarios” even if “it remains committed to diplomacy.” Russian President Putin told American President Biden that he does not understand why the United States is spreading news false about Russia’s intention to invade Ukraine. ” We can say that it was a balanced and professional conversation, ” Kremlin foreign policy adviser Yury Ushakov told Tass news agency. L US hysteria about Ukraine has reached its peak, but Russia remains engaged in dialogue to resolve the crisis, Kremlin foreign policy adviser Yury Ushakov said at a press conference. of “peak of American hysteria”. On the conversation between Biden and Putin, the Kremlin said that the two leaders have pledged to “continue” the dialogue. UKRAINE Ukraine remains committed to a diplomatic solution of the cr isi with Russia, but “we are ready for anything”, said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for his part, saying he is committed to international partners to avoid conflict, “but there can be surprises at any moment”. The Ukrainian government, he continued, “is aware of the risks of an escalation of the situation by the Russian Federation, is preparing for any developments and is in constant contact with international partners to resolve the conflict by political and diplomatic means”. EMBASSIES IN UKRAINE EMPTY AND TRIPS NOT RECOMMENDED Meanwhile, not only the Farnesina has invited compatriots to leave Ukraine. And travel to the country is also not recommended. “In consideration of the current situation, as a precaution, compatriots are invited to temporarily leave the country with the commercial means available”, advises the Crisis Unit of the Farnesina on the Viaggiare Sicuri website. “Considering also the uncertain situation at the borders, it is recommended to postpone all non-essential trips to Ukraine and to keep constantly updated on the media and on this site”, reads the update just published. We also remind you that trips “for any reason” in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions and in the Crimea are “not recommended”, while if present in the country, as already recommended in recent weeks, you are invited to register on the website and download the “Crisis Unit” APP. It was decided to invite “as a precaution” all Italian citizens present in Ukraine to “return by commercial means” and an invitation was launched to “postpone” all travel to Ukraine. ‘Ukraine. This was reported by Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio in a statement at the end of the meeting at the Crisis Unit of the Farnesina. It was also decided, the minister said, to bring back “all non-essential personnel” from our diplomatic headquarters in Kiev. “Obviously – he added – our embassy remains fully operational”. Germany has announced that it will reduce its diplomatic staff in Kiev, even if it will keep its embassy open. This was stated by German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, who explained on Twitter that she had “decided to further strengthen the crisis prevention measures that have already been adopted”. Baerbock added that “our Consulate General Donetsk, with based in Dnipro since 2014, it has been temporarily moved to Lviv “. Berlin also issued a travel warning and asked German citizens in Ukraine to consider repatriation. The Netherlands and Spain also invited their citizens to leave Ukraine, faced with the risk of an imminent Russian invasion. “The security situation was already worrying and has deteriorated in recent days,” said the Dutch foreign minister, Wopke Hoekstra, explaining that the decision was made in consultation with allied countries. “All Spaniards are advised to temporarily leave the country using existing travel options,” Madrid’s foreign ministry announced in a tweet. Other European nations, besides Italy, that have invited their citizens to leave the country include Germany and the United Kingdom. The same invitation has come from France and Belgium. Leaving Ukraine “while still possible” is Belgium’s indication that it strongly advises against “all travel to Ukrainian territory” in the midst of what it calls an “extremely unpredictable situation”. “It is strongly recommended to leave the country for citizens who are currently in Ukraine and whose presence is not absolutely necessary”, reads the recommendations on the website of the Foreign Ministry, in which it is specified that “if the situation worsens an evacuation from Ukraine cannot be guaranteed “. Belgium also warned that “in the event of a sudden worsening of the media situation”, “Internet and telephone traffic could suffer serious interruptions”. And this “could have serious consequences on the functioning of airports and hinder air travel to and from Ukraine”. The French Foreign Minister has advised its citizens against “any travel” to Ukraine. “In the context of the tensions created by the massing of Russian troops on the borders of Ukraine, it is recommended to be more vigilant,” the ministry said on its website. “Travel to the northern and eastern border areas of the country is strongly discouraged,” he added. “It is recommended that all travel to Ukraine be postponed,” the ministry said, adding that these recommendations will continue to be updated based on available information.
Sweden has also invited its citizens to leave Ukraine as soon as possible, advising against any trip to the country. “The situation is serious and unpredictable,” Foreign Minister Ann Linde said in a tweet. Currently, Stockholm estimates that between 200 and 300 Swedish citizens are away in Ukraine. Canada has suspended activities at its embassy in Kiev, while it will open a diplomatic office in Lviv, western Ukraine. This was announced by Foreign Minister Melanie Joly explaining that ” Canada’s diplomatic presence and strong commitment will continue. The services for Canadian citizens will also continue in the office in charge ”. “However, our ability to provide consular assistance could be severely limited,” she added, explaining that “as always, our priority in these situations is the safety of all Canadians on the ground.” Canadians must avoid all travel to Ukraine. ”

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